Tent for a summer residence - selection tips and features of the best designs (85 photos)

The cottage of a modern person today is not only beds with vegetables, but also a place for recreation. On a hot summer day, it’s not so easy to hide from the scorching sun. And here a tent with a grid can come to the aid of summer residents. He will be an indispensable assistant for lovers of calm country evenings.

A summerhouse in the form of a tent will be a wonderful addition to your summer house and will certainly become a favorite vacation spot for all households and their guests.


Awning tent for a summer residence has a number of undeniable advantages. Models of country tents are light and cheap, they require minimal maintenance. This type of product is very mobile, you can easily place it anywhere in your area.

The tent tent creates a large area of ​​shade, which allows you to reliably hide from the scorching sun or strong gusts of wind. This subject of the summer cottage pleases with a wide variety of color designs and a wide selection of material for manufacturing. For all these points, the tent outperforms the stationary arbor.

And yet, for what purpose did you come up with a tent? Naturally, it was invented to create a comfortable stay.

Under his arch, it will be fun at friendly parties until late at night, hold a romantic meeting, soak in a comfortable sun lounger, and just breathe in fresh air. Of course, the main task of the tent is to create and maintain a comfortable stay.

Variety of designs

Before you go to buy your own canopy, you need to decide what type of structure you prefer and, perhaps, first look at the photo of the tent for the cottage.

There are two types of tents: fully open and with closed walls.

The simplest model is the arbor on four pillars, connected by a dome. This model is very convenient for use in spring and autumn, when there are no insects and the scorching sun. Often such a tent is placed near the brazier, or in the corner of the site, where there are no drafts.

A tent-tent with closed walls is very useful in hot weather. If you push the stole, you can hide from annoying insects, strong gusts of wind and sultry sun.

But it is worth noting that the air circulation inside the tent is very good. And if there is a desire or need, then one of the walls can be “slightly opened”.

Building materials for tents

Country tents can be distinguished by the materials from which they are made.

Wood. The main advantages of wooden tents are environmental safety and versatility. The gazebo on the wooden frame is easily disassembled and perfectly wintered in the household unit in disassembled form.

Of course, you can make the design non-collapsible, solid, but then you can no longer easily change its location on your site.

Brick. A tent with a brick frame is most often used as a summer kitchen. It will be very nice here to gather the whole family for a summer dinner. There are a lot of opportunities to use such a tent.

The construction of a brick tent gazebo is not entirely simple and expensive, but the service life is quite noticeable.

Metal. The metal frame is strong and reliable.However, to build such a tent, you must use the help of a welded one. This vacation spot will delight you and your guests for more than one year.

Choose a place for the tent

Regardless of the variety, a tent for a summer residence is an independent element of decor. Even the simplest garden tent should be in harmony with the design of the entire plot. Before you begin installing the tent, you must determine its location.

The installation site is best to choose a flat, without any debris and rhizomes of trees.

When building a stationary tent, first of all, it is necessary to fill the foundation. The strong base significantly extends the service life.

Do it yourself

Making a resting place with your own hands is quite simple. We will make a tent for an arbor on the basis of a wooden frame. It is necessary to prepare tools and building materials in advance. For the construction we need bars of wood and boards, an awning to create a dome.

  • Choose the platform on which the tent will be located.
  • It is necessary to make four pits sixty cm deep. These will be the corners of the tent.
  • All wooden components must be primed and allowed to dry. 4. We place the wooden bars in the pits and tamp the ground. One side of the gazebo should be slightly higher than the other. This is necessary so that rain and snow do not accumulate on the roof.
  • In the middle of racks fastens boards across. Outwardly, it should look like a grid, and the roof will be placed on it.
  • The final moment is pulling the drapery. The waterproof tent is ready! A handmade tent will be the pride of your hacienda.

Choose a tent by type of construction.

You already realized that the tents are different in type of construction. There are designs of open and closed type.

Closed tent

  • On the modern market, models are presented, not only for the military or tourists, but also for widespread use.
  • The tent becomes indispensable when using a folding hinged structure, the assembly of which is carried out in a few minutes.
  • The tent has great functionality.
  • The most popular are models with a low weight. From them you can choose your own comfortable and not expensive tent.
  • There are many options designed for children.

Open sheds

  • Having decided for what purposes you need a tent, you can easily choose a suitable design for yourself.
  • Variants of open awnings, without side walls, are necessary for protection from the sun, wind and precipitation. Mosquito tents for summer rescue from flies, midges and mosquitoes.
  • The umbrella model is the most popular. It looks like a regular rain umbrella with the same opening mechanism. But this design will not protect against strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall.

Closed models can be considered universal, as they are suitable for use in any weather.

Choosing a tent for your hacienda, you must not only focus on practicality, but also take into account the appearance. A beautiful awning for an arbor will help to give your site a unique style.

A large number of people already use their summer cottages to relax from everyday problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have a tent on your site for a pleasant pastime.

Photo of a tent for a summer residence

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