Land design 10 acres - 85 photos of examples of modern arrangement and landscape design

In landscape designing, the layout of a plot of 10 acres is considered convenient and comfortable. This is no longer a meager 6 hundredths, on which it is difficult to fit all the necessary things with great difficulty. Such an area allows with a sufficient degree of convenience to place the necessary buildings, allocate a place to relax and leave space for growing garden crops or creating a green zone.

The practical value and convenience of a future summer cottage or a country house depends on a competently drafted project that takes into account all the necessary details, as well as on a creative approach to business, which allows the most efficient use of land resources.

Project creation

Before the start of design and construction work, you need to have an idea of ​​how an area of ​​such sizes might ideally look like. Photos of 10 hundredths of plots can help in this, which will clearly demonstrate the capabilities and features of the design of the project, as well as give the necessary supply of inspiration.

In addition to photographs, you can learn a lot of subtleties and features of the work of professional designers who are used in work of varying complexity.

At the planning stage, a site diagram is made that can be drawn on paper, created using cardboard models or using computer programs for design. Each of these methods is successfully used by specialists, and the main advantage of a schematic image is a visual representation of their own territory.

It is easy to rearrange mobile paper and computer models of buildings, landings, architectural groups and passageways for creating an optimal project.

Territory entrance to the site it is better to give it under the house territory and arrange the main structure just nearby. It is also good to arrange energy supply and heating systems, if this is provided for by the project.

When creating the project of the site, you will have to visit the object of future construction more than once, since on a schematic plan you need to take into account the illumination and features of the terrain. Illumination should be measured 3 times a day, in the morning, afternoon and evening. This is necessary to determine the most sunny places, as well as the nature of the movement of lighting during the day.

It is better to know the relief in advance to accurately calculate the material during construction, as well as to make a timely decision on the need to level the slope or make the height difference less pronounced.

Places of paths, as well as the main communication systems of water supply and electric networks, also need to be included in the plan. Given the features of the relief, it may well be necessary to make adjustments or make an additional drainage system to divert excess water.

A preliminary scheme of a cottage plot of 10 acres may require correction, taking into account the wishes for zoning and the particulars of the choice of layout, but it is better to redo the project than to make changes later in the construction and arrangement of the territory.

Zoning and layout types

If earlier land plots were clearly intended only for the construction of cottages and were essentially vegetable gardens, now it can be both a permanent place of residence and a summer residence for the rest of the family. Destination features are also taken into account at the planning stage and largely determine the size of each individual zone.

Zoning and layout of a summer cottage area of ​​10 acres implies the presence of 4 main territories - residential, household, garden and relaxation.Each zone has its own purpose, and to maintain the proportions and ergonomic use of space, you should know the recommended standards.

The residential area is approximately 20% of the total area, 10% of each is accounted for by farm buildings and places of rest, and the rest is allocated to beds, trees, shrubs and flowers.

A schematic representation of a land plot of 10 acres will help to draw up an optimal layout plan.

The simplest and most convenient from the point of view of the organization of space is the rectangular arrangement of objects around the perimeter, with a central or lateral part highlighted for planting. Everything is clear, graphic, convenient, but a little boring and reminds summer cottages of the Soviet era.

A round layout for beginning designers and even for experienced professionals seems to be the most difficult and inconvenient to design. Taking into account all the nuances of relief and lighting in a rounded square can be difficult.

This option is not bad for decorating a country house without summer cottages. And in such a layout, various architectural techniques are often used to create a balanced geometric look.

Diagonal layout has become very popular. In this arrangement, the buildings are located with geometric clarity, but in all objects there is a clear diagonal from the near section to the far corner. A very convenient way of planning, since it allows you to maintain proportions, but gives greater scope for imagination.

Free planning follows the only rule, residents should like everything and create maximum comfort. This system makes it possible to introduce creative disorder and organize order among visible chaos.

Thoughtful projects greatly facilitate the construction work and help to equip 10 acres with maximum efficiency, where each meter of land is used wisely and serves a specific purpose.

Professionals Recommendations

Engaged in landscaping a plot of 10 acres, it is worth taking the advice of specialists in their field.

The northern and the most insufficiently lit part of the land is better allocated for the construction of residential and household purposes. In this case, there will be no problems with agriculture, and rest on the sunlit lawns will become more pleasant.

Buildings look better when they are designed in the same style, are well combined with each other in size and shape, and access to them is equipped with convenient and fairly wide tracks.

The southern part of the land is traditionally given for the cultivation of garden crops and fruit trees. Although in this rule there may be variations, for example, planting tall trees around the perimeter, shrubs along the paths and the alternation of flower and garden beds.

The dimensions of the house on a plot of 10 acres should be sufficient for a comfortable stay, but not look bulky. The accepted standard in this case is 10X10 meters.

The tracks need to be equipped with a convenient coating, take care of the convenience of access to all parts of the site, and also provide lighting in the evening.

The playground should be well visible from across the site and should be equipped in slightly shaded areas.

Rest areas look good among fruit trees, this saves space and allows you to comfortably sit in the shade of spreading branches.

There are practically no special rules and restrictions in the construction of country houses and cottages, with the exception of safety requirements, observing the principles of practicality and convenience. Spending time on planning, you can save on the arrangement itself, resulting in an original and stylish design.

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