Apple tree - planting and caring for a tree. The best varieties according to experts. Photo of the most delicious apples.

The blooming apple orchard captivates with its beauty and aroma, and in the fall delights with delicious fruits. To make fruit stocks for the whole year, you need to plant and grow trees. Having examined the apple trees in the photo, you can choose the appropriate varieties for your own garden.

The fruits of this culture contain not only vitamins, but also a lot of fiber and iron. Therefore, in almost every area you can find this tree.

Varieties of apple trees

Summer crops delight us with their fruits in the second half of August. These varieties are known for their friendly harvest, but you should carefully monitor them so as not to miss the time of collection. Such apples are stored for only one month, but they contain the largest amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Popular varieties of summer apple trees:

  • Melba is notable for its early entry into the fruiting season and high productivity.
  • Lungwort has sweet fruits with a spicy honey aroma.
  • The early golden Chinese woman has rounded yellow amber fruits with a sweet and sour taste.
  • White filling is characterized by a delicate taste, juicy and fragrant apples will help quench your thirst on a sultry summer day.

Autumn varieties ripen in late August - early September. If several large ripe fruits have already fallen to the ground, then it is time to start harvesting. The shelf life is three months, they are suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Autumn varieties:

  • Spartan will give a generous harvest, the tree is unpretentious in care.
  • Zhigulevskoye is suitable for southern and northern regions, apples are stored for a long time.
  • The champion is widespread due to high productivity.
  • Macintosh gives gardeners fragrant sweet fruits with a delicate sour-candy flavor.
  • Gala is distinguished by juicy sour-sweet fruits with a pleasant nutty caramel flavor.

Winter apple trees do not have time to ripen in the summer, they will be ready after ripening in boxes during storage. The advantage of such varieties is the ability to use them fresh when snow has already fallen outside the window.

To store the fruit you need to create the right conditions. The room should not be observed sudden changes in temperature. Different varieties are stored separately. Apples need to be sorted, separated damaged.

Winter grades:

  • Lobo provides a regular crop of large and sweet apples, characterized by high transportability.
  • Florina is the result of the work of French breeders.
  • Semerenko is grown for winter storage.
  • The synap requires special care, grown on moist soils.
  • Golden Delishes is a native of America, has a mixed type of fruiting.

To determine which apple variety is better, you need to study the main characteristics. Different types differ not only in maturity, but also in taste.

Apple tree planting

The time of planting of young trees is chosen taking into account the climate of the region and the characteristics of the variety. If winters are snowy, then an apple tree can be planted in autumn. In areas where there is little rainfall, but there are severe frosts, the planted plant in the spring. In the first year, top dressing is not performed, but you should regularly water the tree.

To get a generous harvest, it is important to follow the rules of planting and growing an apple tree. A month before planting, a hole is excavated, the depth of which is 0.8 m, and the diameter is 1 m. Then, a peg is driven in the middle, it is necessary to support the tree.

To prepare a fertile mixture, a fertile soil layer, compost, peat, and manure are used. Then this composition is added to the pit. When planting a young apple tree, black soil is added to the bottom of the hole.The trunk is tied to a peg, fill the hole with 3 buckets of water.

Apple care

Each plant needs attention, so you need to take care of it, starting from the first warm days. Initially, the area around the apple tree is cleared of snow and trample it. This procedure will save the tree from pests, diseases. Novice gardeners are often interested in how to prune an apple tree. The procedure is carried out in March, April.

In adult trees, part of last year's branches that bear fruit is removed. This ensures the emergence of new kidneys, improves productivity. All branches growing inside the crown are pruned. If the apple tree is more than seven years old, then tops should be removed, they are left in young trees.

Top dressing is carried out to improve root and leaf nutrition, improve fruiting of the tree. To do this, use various fertilizers and trace elements. Apple trees also require regular watering.

Diseases and Pests

You can get a rich harvest of apples with good tree care. It is susceptible to various diseases that affect the fruits and leaves. To determine the methods of control, you should know what diseases and pests of apple trees exist. This will help to start the fight against them in a timely manner and protect the future crop.

The main pests:

  • apple thistle;
  • hawthorn;
  • green aphids;
  • apple codling moth.

Larvae of the apple thistle suck out juices from leaves, leave sticky secretions in the form of spherical light drops. Bonding of buds, leaves, buds occurs, which violates physiological processes. Under these conditions, saprophytic fungi begin to develop.

Caterpillars of the butterfly hawthorn damage the buds, leaves, buds. They gnaw a leaf blade almost completely. An adult lays up to 500 eggs per season, from which caterpillars that destroy the leaves come out.

Green aphids can spread viruses that lead to the development of plant abnormalities. The main threat is the pest larvae. Timely measures taken will help protect the tree from this parasite.

The apple codling moth is a dangerous pest. Its larvae develop directly in the pulp of the fruit. If natural conditions are favorable for them, then you can lose almost the entire crop.

The apple tree is prone to a large number of diseases, among which the following types are often found:

  • scab;
  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew.

Scab is a fungal disease. It can be recognized by its round olive spots on young leaves. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the fruits are covered with black stains. Scab occurs more often in regions with a temperate climate, which are characterized by wet and cold winters. The fungus affects trees at any stage of development.

Fruit rot or moniliosis leads to rotting of the pulp. At risk are weakened trees whose fruits have damage. Spores of the fungus are carried by the wind. At the initial stage, a gray speck appears on the apple, which gradually becomes larger.

Powdery mildew affects all organs of the plant. A gray-white coating appears on them. Foliage stops growing and gradually dies. On the fruit, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rusty net.

In order for the blossoming apple tree to please the spring, and in the autumn to give tasty fruits, you need to take care of the tree. Provide him with good care and protection from pests and diseases.This will help maintain a healthy and fruitful garden for many years.

Photo of apple tree

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Galina Anatolyevna

What beautiful and juicy apples in the pictures you have. This year we have a successful harvest. We spun compotes, and dried them for the winter, and ate apple pies.