Aviary for dogs: options for stylish and beautiful fences for dogs (100 photos)

Large breeds of dogs give owners not only aesthetic and emotional pleasure, but also puzzle them with a considerable amount of care and maintenance. When a puppy grows up rapidly, almost every owner in one way or another is faced with the task of arranging an aviary for his one or more pets, if the living conditions allow the possession of such a design.

The size of the enclosure and its characteristics are governed by special rules and require careful planning at an early stage. In this matter, you can not ignore the dimensions of the pet, the nature, its breed and the requirements for its maintenance.

The need to build an aviary can be revealed at the most unexpected moment. For example, if the site may periodically be people who for some reason are afraid of the dog, or she reacts negatively or too actively to them.

If there is a street aviary, you won’t need to worry about it; in it you can always temporarily close the animal without bringing him any inconvenience or stress. It will also be useful if there are spaces on the site that the dog does not need to be allowed into, for example, flower beds, a swimming pool or a relaxation area with barbecue.

There are such cases that the owners even acquire an aviary in the apartment. Building requirements regulate the need for the dog to have enough free space for maneuver, food and water, a place where the animal can lie down to rest and more.

Crafts from snags for the garden. If there is a creative imagination, then flowerpots can be made of driftwood and decorate a flower bed with them, and even see such strange creatures in them. There are ideas for the garden too, they gradually accumulate, like the driftwood themselves, and I hope that interesting crafts will appear in the garden.
Look, these horses and the dog are made of ordinary driftwood; this is an artistic sight. Even the frame for a mirror or photograph can be beautifully designed using various knots and sticks. Not quite usual, but original and exclusive.

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Start of construction

If the necessary space that can be given to the animal is available, but there is not enough money or there is a desire, you can erect the structure yourself.

It is important to initially determine the exact location and dimensions of the future aviary. Do not forget about the convenience for both yourself and your pet.

In private areas, it is better to install an aviary close to home so that the dog can observe what is happening, the pet should not be lonely, it should not be nervous, otherwise you will listen to howling and causeless barking around the clock.

It is also not recommended to set the dog walking area along the fence adjacent to the road. Every person passing by, or a passing car, will disturb the dog regardless of whether she sees them or not, they are especially interested in animals freely walking nearby, besides, the pet can scare someone or try to run away.

Experienced dog owners and veterinarians recommend arranging an aviary so that it is located in the gate area from where the house is viewed, but there is no direct fit to the street.

It is also useful for protection against wind gusts to plant a shrub along the structure, which in hot weather will additionally create shady areas, which is very important for large animals.

With a thoughtful approach, the design will be reliable and there will be no need for alteration. The animal will feel comfortable, which is also important for the owner, who is attached to it.

Size calculation

This is an extremely important factor that needs to be thought out in advance so as not to hamper yourself or your pet. To understand how to make the aviary as practical as possible, you will have to start with a blueprint for a planned building.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the physical parameters of an adult animal, and if there are several, then their number.

Consider an average aviary of one and a half meters. A small dog or puppy will feel good in it. For an animal that has over 50 centimeters at the withers, it will be necessary to expand the aviary, sometimes up to six meters. 65 cm at the withers - an occasion for the construction of an eight-meter aviary.

In a ten-meter aviary, any dog ​​will fit in principle, if there are several, then add a meter and a half to each. As for height, it should be borne in mind that the dog standing on its hind legs should not touch the ceiling in any way.

The following aviary options can be distinguished:

  • fully covered;
  • with the presence of several blank walls;
  • with lattice wall;
  • with insulated floor;
  • with a portable or permanent feeder.

If there are several blank walls in the aviary, then the open wall is mounted from metal rods. There must certainly be a door and a feeder and a booth still need to be located on the territory.

Aviary flooring

There are a lot of materials for building a floor, the most popular of them:

  • concrete floors;
  • cement strainer;
  • wood;
  • asphalt.

For example, a cement screed is a fairly cold surface, difficult to launder. But the tree, on the contrary, in addition to being a natural material, it will soothe the dog and will not create additional coolness. Wood can be used purely for cladding floors built from other materials.

When choosing wood, it is important to pay attention to its integrity, smoothness and the absence of signs of decay or bugs. Before use, the tree is always processed from moisture, fungus and other factors. The lower the flexibility of the board, the better, this will help avoid getting the dog's claws into the gap formed due to the deflection.

The floor should not lie directly on the surface of the earth, you will need to leave a gap of ten centimeters, and cover the soil with roofing material or concrete.

Wall mounting

It's time to talk about what to make an aviary. The wall serves as an obstacle for the pet so that it cannot leave the territory without your desire, and also protects it from the wind, bad weather and the scorching sun, and the dog needs at least one lattice wall to contact the environment and observe.

For the installation of walls, nails can not be used, since the animal can tear them out, it is better to use self-tapping screws. In order to save money, it’s not worth replacing the grate with a net, not only can the dog break it, it can also hurt it, as it will bite it.

For an adult large individual, a distance of 10 centimeters between the rods is suitable, for smaller ones - less. The main thing is that the dog's head could not get stuck in the grate.

The door should also be located on the side of the grill so that the dog and the owner can see each other when opening the enclosure. Naturally, a deadbolt or a lock is installed on the door that the dog cannot open.

Booth construction

Another important point for relaxing the dog and warming the aviary is the installation of a house. As a rule, the owners build a booth from boards or plywood, this is not so important. It will be useful to make sure that the roof is removed, so it will be much easier to clean the inside.

The opening in the booth is cut out in a rounded shape, it is practical for the animal and reduces the penetration of cold. For the winter, a curtain is made of dense fabric so that snow does not blow into the booth and the heat is better preserved.

Roof mounting

You can also get fresh ideas from video and photo of aviaries for dogs. But there are still general rules. When designing, you need to think in advance of the melting of snow in the winter and the runoff of water.

The easiest way to build a shed roof from one of the materials is suitable:

  • plain slate;
  • metal tile;
  • corrugated board;
  • soft roof.

The latter is made of bitumen shingles, well rescuing from precipitation, which is wear-resistant and soundproof. The roof slope is projected towards the drainage, in order to avoid the formation of puddles around the aviary.

When installing the roof, it is best to leave a third of the space uncovered, this will give a sufficient amount of lighting and will not completely isolate the animal from the natural environment.

Note that the booth should be somewhere in the corner part, completely covered by the roof. Firstly, this will keep both the booth and the dog dry, and secondly, it will prevent the dog from climbing onto the booth to jump onto the roof or the street.

Photo of the aviary for the dog

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

Dog Aviary

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I liked the version of the aviary, designed in the form of trunks of birches. It looks very unusual. I would have built one for our Alabai. Only the question arises - why are most aviary options so high? It would be quite enough to grow into a person to enter and clean without any problems. It’s better to add a couple of meters in length than to build 2.5 meters in height.


For a dog, life in an ordinary kennel is not very different from life in such an aviary, but the appearance of the garden from the kennel suffers very much. I think it’s useful in the summer, the dog stays in the country for the whole summer, I’ll make her comfortable, and I’ll have something to do for myself. Thank you for giving advice not only on construction, but also on location, I hope the dog will not howl and bark around the clock, and she will not be bored).


It is precisely noticed that the dog enclosure should be far away from the fence - eh, if we had read this advice earlier!)) We placed a box (not spacious, but high) near the fence. So our dog, the wise guy still that, jumped on it and from there climbed without problems to the neighboring summer residence! Then the neighbors had to prove that he himself came to them, and not we sent a fighting dog to their territory. It is really better to think over the floor in the enclosure in advance, so that before winter you should not hurry to puzzle over how to insulate it. We had a simple concrete, so the dog was not just cold, but he, poor, was already shaking… More details »


Recently returned to her mother in the village, and she decided to get a couple of dogs of breed Laika.A friend of her advised her to take it, they say they will be good guards for the yard. We always took dogs in pairs. But we didn’t have an aviary, only standard booths. We were told that it’s better not to put such dogs on a chain, but to make them an aviary and periodically let them out of it. You looked at several interesting options on your site and my mother and I stopped at one of them. Dogs really liked their new home. Thanks for the great ideas.


Visually, they like wooden enclosures with a metal grill, resembling houses, inside which a warm booth is installed. We really have a grid built in instead of a grill, it also serves well, and is rather reliable. the main thing. choose a quality one. Ordinary metal cells look aggressive and inhumane. I liked the idea of ​​installing an aviary near the house, so that the dog would not be bored, had contact with the owners. But again, you need to calculate so that the dog in the aviary does not scare the people who come.


And how is a dog’s contact with the owner created when the owner is inside the house and the dog is in the aviary? Will the owner wave the window at her? Most likely, this location of the enclosure near the house contributes to the development of the protective qualities of the dog - it sees who went into the house, who went out. Of course, everything mumbles, the aviary is closed. I would also pay attention to how the enclosure is closed. I had to see how the dog opened the door on its own, hanging on it and the bolt moved.


I believe that the dog is a member of the family and it is necessary to create conditions for its comfortable life. Not everyone can keep a dog in the house, so aviaries are needed. The enclosure should be part of the interior, complement it, and not spoil. So, I think the ideal option is to build a small "house" for the dog. The most important thing is to create a pleasant environment for the dog, and then take care of the design.


For me, as a person who loves animals, the dog is a friend, and even a member of the family. Therefore, I consider it my duty to create better conditions for the life of my faithful friend. The best option for an aviary, for me, is an aviary made of wood and possibly metal. However, the enclosure should not spoil the interior, it should complement it and do better. This summer I’ll finish the construction of the house, so this is the question of the aviary.


The dream has long been ripe for building a dog enclosure in the country, but after I studied all the issues, I realized that it was not so easy to build it as it seemed. A lot of different nuances. Nevertheless, he entrusted this matter to professionals. It’s a pity I didn’t come across a site with such a huge number of photos before, our aviary would be more beautiful. In general, study the question, first of all we are talking about the convenience and safety of your animal.