Cherry: planting, care, pruning, harvesting, varieties - 90 photos cherry tree

The popularity of cherries in the garden does not fade even with the advent of new crops. Bushy beauty is grown to ennoble the territory, getting a crop. Viewing photos of cherries confirms its aesthetic appeal. The number of required recipes using fruits is the practical function of a tree. The experience of most gardeners indicates the unpretentiousness of cherries in the middle zone and southern Russia.

When creating favorable conditions, effective fruiting lasts for 15 years. Everyone can take care of the health of the tree. The main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care.

Landing location: basic requirements for the site

An important limitation for the planting of cherries is the tendency of the site to stagnate moisture. The tree is not planted in lowlands, near the location of groundwater, where the soil is prone to rapid swamping.

Excessive moisture adversely affects the state of the roots of the tree. They cross over, rot, are infected with diseases. The tree dries; cherry blossoms do not occur on time.

An ideal choice for placing cherries is:

  • well-lit areas with a south, west, south-west location;
  • a plain or hill, sheltered from the intense wind;
  • sandy, loamy soil with good drainage;
  • lack of excessive soil acidity.

If the acidity is increased, liming will help. After this procedure, it is recommended to saturate the soil with compost or fertilize with mullein. Then, the site is dug up.

Planting material: the secrets of preparation

The most favorable moment for planting cherries is autumn. This applies to harvesting shoots, rooting. With the own selection of planting material, several green shoots located on the southern part of the tree should be separated. Cuttings having 4 leaflets, about 12 cm long, are cut from them.

Harvested seedlings are placed in containers with soil at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other. Creating a "greenhouse effect" will significantly accelerate the rooting process. For this, a box with landed cuttings is covered with polyethylene. Until spring, seedlings should provide conditions for wintering: to tack, cover with spruce branches.

When choosing finished trees as planting material, you should pay attention to two-year-old seedlings. The parameters of such plants are as follows:

  • 55-60 cm - height;
  • 56-60 cm - the length of skeletal shoots;
  • 2 cm is the diameter of the tree.

Such seedlings are most suitable for autumn planting for wintering. Placing trees in the open field is recommended in the spring.

Cherry fertilizer: the intricacies of organizing a process

Cherry care begins with preparing the substrate for planting. It is pre-enriched with nutrients through fertilizer. Seat preparation begins in the fall.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • soil treatment with dolomite flour or limestone (400 g / sq.m);
  • dig the soil to the depth of the shovel bayonet;
  • one week after digging add ripened manure (15 kg./sq.m);
  • in spring, during tree planting, the upper fertile layer is removed, supplemented with humus, as well as ash, superphosphate, potassium chloride (1 kg / 30–40 g / 25 g, respectively).

Such preparation is optimal for effective rooting and gaining strength by a plant in open ground. Over the next 2-3 years, the tree does not require additional nutrition.After this period, so that the color of ripe cherries pleased regularly, the plant is fertilized.

Compositions based on potassium and phosphorus are introduced in autumn, and nitrogen in spring. The period of the beginning of the growing season is marked by the use of organic top dressing, which is performed twice (at the end of flowering, 2 weeks after that).

Landing: important rules

In spring, waiting for warming, successfully wintered cuttings are moved to the open ground. To do this, prepare pits about half a meter deep and diameter. Act as follows:

  • carefully study the condition of the roots (weak and damaged remove);
  • a few hours before planting (2-5) the seedlings are immersed in warm water;
  • the bottom of the landing pit is complemented by an earthen cone-shaped lump;
  • the seedling is erected on top of the mound, the roots are well spread;
  • when filling the pit, the plant is lifted up (the graft should be 2-3 cm above the ground level);
  • tamp the soil around the trunk, form a bulk roll (within a radius of 25-30 cm);
  • the resulting recess behind the roller, intended for irrigation, is filled with 2-3 buckets of settled water;
  • the planting site is mulched (sprinkled with sawdust or humus);
  • create additional support for the trunk (tied to a support peg).

It is important to remember that when planting tree-like varieties of cherries, you should maintain a distance of 3-3.5 m, bush - 2-2.5 m.

In order not to be mistaken in the intricacies of planting and care, it is better to first familiarize yourself with a detailed description of the varieties of cherries used in the work.

Crown formation: stages of an indispensable process

Proceed to the formation of the crown should be when the tree reaches 1 year. There are thinning branches:

  • spring;
  • autumn;
  • regular.

The most important process that occurs after wintering. Work begins long before the start of the growing season - in mid-March. A fresh tree is shortened to 65-80 cm in height. Particular attention is paid to the skeletal branches: they leave 3-4 shoots at a distance of 10-15 cm relative to each other.

The next 2-3 years, the active formation of the crown. Further, the tree needs careful pruning if the branches add more than 50 cm in length.

Autumn pruning is done with caution. It is important not to harm the health of the tree, which will soon winter. To do this, it is advisable to choose the right moment: between the end of the growing season and the onset of the first frost. In autumn, it is customary to carry out thorough reorganization: removal of weak, diseased shoots.

As a regular care, timely removal of all patients broken, growing inside the crown of shoots is done. This work is carried out throughout the summer season. A close inspection and rehabilitation is an important work of a good gardener.

The cherry orchard, beautiful and fruitful, pleases the eye of any host. Planting, caring for trees require compliance with the rules. And the choice of which cherry is better is always individual.

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