Insulation of the house with polystyrene - step-by-step instructions on how to insulate the house with your own hands + 100 photos

Owners of private homes are associated with seasonal cooling with an increase in the cost of installing heating systems and a significant expenditure of the family budget on heating homes to increase the level of comfort. Effective and practical, do-it-yourself outdoor insulation of the house and wall decoration with high-quality building materials, with a low heat transfer coefficient, helps to insulate significant wall surfaces, reducing heat loss.

Increasing the productivity of modern heating systems and protecting the walls from possible changes in temperature and humidity can provide significant savings in costs required for the purchase and payment of energy resources.

Such measures have a positive effect on increasing the life of residential buildings and utility rooms, for their implementation it is necessary to carefully select heat-insulating materials with a range of excellent operational characteristics.

Advantages of external foam insulation

Among a wide variety of heaters and finishing materials, foam is a structure of foam mass and is particularly popular due to the ease of installation and light weight of panels ready for installation.

Having carefully studied the photo of home insulation with foam and its operational characteristics, you can choose the best project for implementation, taking into account the advantages that are noticeable when using this type of insulation:

  • polystyrene of any density does not absorb moisture, preventing the growth of fungi and the occurrence of condensation;
  • differs in the increased indicators of thermal insulation protecting external walls from excessive heat losses;
  • the material is easily cut, cut and mounted without the need to attract specialists to work with it;
  • the light weight of the sheets ensures the convenience of transportation and transportation of purchased building materials to the installation site;
  • physical and mechanical characteristics of the material guarantee a long period of its operation as a heater;
  • foam insulation can withstand sudden changes in temperature, and provides excellent sound insulation;
  • Does not need additional waterproofing measures protecting the walls from freezing and moisture.

To save the internal space of housing, experts recommend using foam sheets for arranging external insulation, using special technology for fixing this material on vertical surfaces.

Preparatory work for the upcoming warming should be started with the choice of polystyrene for insulation, the materials on the market must be carefully studied and the best option selected.

Types of polystyrene for insulation

All varieties of foam offered by manufacturers are manufactured in various ways, the finished product differs not only in name, but also in such indicators as appearance and physical and mechanical characteristics.

Determining which polystyrene is better for insulation, it is necessary to consider all the proposed options and focus on the operational parameters of the materials, the most popular among builders are:

  • polystyrene foam. It happens press and unpressed, outwardly representing a collection of small balls that are tightly bonded to each other;
  • extrusion material. A denser structure allows optimal moisture insulation and does not allow moist or dry air to pass into the insulating layers;
  • polyurethane foam. It is most often used in the manufacture of furniture and in appearance is similar to ordinary foam rubber, inferior in quality to the first two types of insulation.

Modern types of insulation include a special type of material with the use of which insulation is carried out with liquid foam, which has its own advantages compared to sheet building materials.

The purchased foam must comply with generally accepted quality standards, confirmed by special certification documentation, which specifies the specification and labeling of the properties, it is imperative to observe the required storage mode.

Selection of consumables based on its physical and mechanical parameters

When choosing a foam plastic, it is important to pay attention to its condition and especially the granules of the material, which should be the same size, evenly distributed over the structure, sheet sizes cannot be different and vary significantly.

When selecting, you can focus on general characteristics and visually determine the quality parameters by comparing several sheets that need to be considered when purchasing, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and expenses:

  • absolute coincidence of thickness;
  • same density and structure;
  • smooth trimming of all sides and angles;
  • identity of color or shade.

A good polystyrene foam, which has excellent operational parameters, does not lose physical and mechanical properties during prolonged use and increases the efficiency of the insulation procedures, while keeping the house warm and comfortable.

In the process of its storage, before the upcoming installation work, it is important to maintain a certain temperature regime in the household or household premises and periodically carry out ventilation.

Technological stages of the insulation process

Self-insulation of the house with polystyrene foam from the outside is carried out in stages, according to a simple technological process with minimal involvement of complex work and a limited set of tools:

  • preparation of the facade and surfaces and the processing of the walls with a primer;
  • fixing the foam on the facade or gluing sheets;
  • additional fastening of dowels to prevent displacement;
  • putty of the obtained surface in order to level it;
  • applying a decorative coating of any selected type.

To decorate the corners of a residential building with complex architecture, a reinforcing corner is required to preserve the shape of the sheets and ensure the long life of the finished structure.

In the course of all work, a small set of special tools are used, the use of which requires the observance of safety precautions; for the gluing process, special glue with various drying times is purchased.

The effective thickness of the insulation of the house with polystyrene depends on many factors, which include the area of ​​the insulated surface and the necessary parameters for heat saving and maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the home.

Properly selected protective and decorative coating will provide a diverse texture, the plaster looks great on large surfaces and makes it possible to create an attractive composition with landscape design.

The simple and inexpensive technology of warming the house with polystyrene does not require the involvement of qualified specialists in the project, whose work can be more expensive than the purchase of the necessary materials and accessories.

Photo of home insulation with polystyrene foam

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