20 hectare plot - the most unusual projects and modern site planning (85 photos)

Every day, there are more and more people who want to acquire their own land, and this is a natural desire for a person - a desire to have their own home, convenient, cozy, and most importantly - their own. Having acquired your own land, you have the opportunity to create a small world for yourself, everything will be in it exactly the way you want, it becomes real here to realize your dreams and desires, to experience the joy of creation.

Let's try, at least so far theoretically, to build this small world on its own site.

Look through the sites on the network and see the photo site in 20 acres. You can notice that this rectangle of land, as a rule, measuring 40 by 50 meters, allows you to create all the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay.

Nevertheless, a competent layout is necessary. It is planning that becomes the guarantor that all the desired benefits will be fully realized, with all this, this small world will become truly convenient and comfortable. About approaches to planning, as well as the features of this process, let’s try to figure it out now.

Is it a lot or a little 20 acres?

If you got a plot of up to 10 acres in size, the process of placing a house and the necessary buildings becomes a difficult task, the solution of which becomes not only difficult, but also without many solutions - the main thing is to manage to push everything on this piece of space.

Having 20 hundredths, you can calmly place all buildings without preserving and writing out unnecessary miracles, while maintaining spaciousness and convenience. Thus, we can quite safely place:

  • Actually the house itself;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Summer kitchen;
  • Garage with a workshop;
  • The bath;
  • Gazebo;
  • Children's Corner;
  • Restroom;
  • Summer shower.

As you can see, the list indicated above includes all the necessary amenities, although the list can be expanded if desired. It remains only to correctly place everything, and for this, let's look at how we can directly produce the landscape design of a 20-hundredth plot.

Initial study and planning of individual zones

Before the planning of the 20 hectare plot will be carried out, it is necessary to research, study and determine the following points:

  • The condition of the terrain;
  • State of soil and groundwater;
  • Identify the characteristic wind directions;
  • Designate the directions of the cardinal points;
  • Determine the natural conditions specific to the area.

All these points will be important to consider when designing buildings and their placement. After you collect and analyze the above aspects, zoning is carried out.

We will be required to designate a residential area with a house located on it; household - a bathhouse, a garage and other outbuildings will be placed here; place to relax and garden.

Each of the zones is selected taking into account all the features of the area. In addition, it is important to consider not only convenience, but also to remember that in the future it will be necessary to create infrastructure and lay engineering systems.

Style design

In the style of improvement of land plots, there are several main areas, this is true in our case when creating a site design of 20 acres, and therefore we designate these main areas stylistically and consider their main distinguishing features.

Classical.This style is characterized by fundamental and thoroughness, which is achieved through the clarity of the geometric shapes of buildings and the correctness of their relative position. All design elements emphasize the general order, thoroughness of the owner himself and his strength, wealth.

English landscape option. In this case, preference is given to the naturalness of all forms, everything should be located in the natural, as if in a natural order. The beauty of the surrounding nature is brought to the forefront, and all design elements are aimed at solving this problem.

French, or the so-called eco-style. The main, fundamental line is comfort and harmony. Here, the idea of ​​the reunification of man with nature, its harmonious interweaving in the general environment, comes to the fore. For arrangement uses only natural materials, and - these should be materials specific to this particular area. The presence of artificial is minimal, it should not stand out.

Tropical styles are an exotic option and require knowledge of the features of the chosen direction.

Hi-tech style. Fashionable and gaining popularity. It reflects all fashion trends and therefore uses the most modern materials and technologies for arranging.

Baroque. This is an exceptional luxury, sophistication. Everything in the design is aimed at highlighting and designating high cost and chic.

Alpine. This arrangement option is optimal for areas with irregularities.

Forest. Suitable for places with a nearby forest. The only condition is a smooth transition from the forest off-site to your own.

Romantic style. This is a kind of merger of elements from different directions. The fundamental idea is the creation of a certain romantic mood and its maintenance.

Here we have listed the main areas. Naturally, some symbiosis of them is possible, and also, no one can forbid you to develop your own project of the site in which you can implement your own stylistic directions and make some embodiment of your inner world in reality.

How to properly place all the buildings on the site

There are several rules that must be considered when planning a site and placing objects on it. These rules are universal and do not depend on the style we have chosen, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

  • The most important rule is that the house on a plot of 20 acres is optimally located on the north side. This is done to rationally distribute sunlight. If the plot has irregularities, the house is set at the highest point;
  • All capital buildings define the facade to the outside;
  • The garden should be located on the sunny side of the plot;
  • All household objects must be hidden from the eyes of an outside observer, for this they are cleaned inside the site;

In addition to the most general rules outlined above, there are building codes that state the minimum distances from residential and other buildings to the edge of the plot, the distance between themselves, etc. You need to carefully read them and, if possible, take them into account when planning and then building work.

When planning, make a site plan, think over the infrastructure system, lighting.Think about how the fence will be implemented, what the fence will be like, the appearance of your entire plot depends on this in many respects.

Another point that needs to be noted is the layout at the non-standard boundaries of your site. In such cases, the correct location of buildings and zoning is of particular importance.

In some cases, for example, in narrow spaces, it becomes possible to solve problems using special elements: hedges, flower beds, shrubs.


In this article, we have attempted to outline the very basics of planning themselves. Of course, you can turn to design companies and they will qualitatively and thoughtfully make you a ready-made site design.

If you decide to create your own little world, in which there will be a reflection of your own "I", then you will have to thoroughly prepare and comprehensively consider all the points, and planning is the key to the success of your undertaking.

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