Terrace in the country: 130 design photos and features of the decoration of the building

In the process of developing a plan for the construction and design of a country house, there is a need to think over the design of the country terrace, because it becomes the paradise in the country house for a comfortable stay. For this reason, it is important to seriously approach the choice of the necessary design and methods of finishing the structure.

What type of terrace is better to give preference?

The design scheme for the future terrace should be chosen, focusing on the construction of the building and the availability of space on the site. Terraces are built in one of the following options:

  • Exclusively on a foundation basis. This is a reliable option, however, if the selected territory is unsuccessful, then it will be practically impossible to correct the changes, as well as remodel the building due to the high cost of the event.
  • Attach the site to the finished house. It is not a complicated and convenient method, in addition, the terrace can be equipped after the basement has completely shrunk.
  • Place an extension in the cottage. This type of structure often becomes a continuation of the rooms of the house, and is also often used as a kitchen area or living room.

Compared to a private building, the attached terrace is covered with a canopy, panels on the side, covered with glass frames. In this case, the building serves as a place for a comfortable rest in the winter, can be used as an area for processing the harvested crop.

Types of modern terraced buildings

Regardless of the type of construction and the chosen foundation, when determining a place for a terrace platform, it is important to take into account certain conditions:

  • The method of protecting the building from negative environmental influences;
  • Safety and comfort of use.

The most problematic thing is to place the building in such a way that a sufficient amount of light penetrates inside, but at the same time the area does not heat up too much in the heat.

The best option would be to arrange the terrace area so that the apartment building obscures it in the midday heat. To protect against snow and rain, it is good to equip the canopy, and directly combine the platform in the porch.

However, under such conditions, there are a huge number of construction methods, as well as the arrangement of a country terrace.

Guest terrace areas

Such buildings mainly perform representative purposes, and do not act as a place for a comfortable stay. A summer-type terrace is set up away from prying eyes, usually behind the house. In most cases, such terraced platforms take the form of a classic design - in the form of large sizes of flooring from boards, without any fencing and roof adjacent to the house.

On such a site, furniture is necessarily installed and decorated according to the apartment type. The site is hidden behind the main house to minimize the uncomfortable feeling of wind and sunlight.

Dining Room Terraces

Often an open country terrace replaces the kitchen. In this embodiment, an oven is installed inside the annex and furniture for the kitchen space is installed. Such an arrangement is considered one of the best options if the owners of a country house like to relax in the summer coolness at a tea party.

An indispensable attribute of such a platform is a canopy and a fireplace. Often, these structures are installed next to the kitchen at home, but at the same time create another entrance.

Playground instead of home

For some cottages, a terraced building becomes yet another housing. Many things, equipment are transported to an open type area, while the entrance expands so that the corridor looks like a continuation of the terrace.

In most cases, the side openings are closed with special curtains to give the frame of a natural massif home comfort.

Curtains for construction are chosen in such a way that they not only act as decoration, but also protect from bright sunlight, annoying mosquitoes.


The unheated room, which is attached to the main living space of the terrace, is great for the veranda. To comfortably winter, the frames should be glazed, the roof and floor should be insulated.

In reality, this type of design is used to relax before the cold. In winter, furniture is placed in the room from the garden, and in the spring, the site can be a suitable place for growing seedlings.

Outdoor terrace

Initially, the construction of the building for the terrace as a type of board-lined flooring was intended to eliminate the ability to walk on stones or swamps, which was not suitable for arranging furniture and even more relaxing.

Now the terrace is being equipped even next to a pond, or in the shade of trees, while the building is not tied to the main house.

Such a style is considered an excellent option for a country cottage, since it allows you to divide several buildings into separate structures.

Porch terrace

A common version of the construction for the cottage is associated with the arrangement of the terrace of the entrance to the housing. This solution is optimal, you just need to increase the space of the porch, do more, equip the canopy, as well as the fence.

A covered terrace can extend along the wall surface to the side. This option is simple, affordable.

What to build from?

Firstly, a site constructed at own cost is more affordable, and secondly, it is necessary to build from the materials left after construction work. Blocks, boards, as well as bricks are perfectly combined in the construction of the base.

If you need to purchase materials, choose the most practical, since the future site should tolerate temperature extremes, the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Optimal shape

The choice of forms of modern extensions is diverse. It’s easier to create a rectangular pad. However, if you like exclusivity, then give it the shape of a layered polygon. To understand how to attach a summer terrace as in the photo, let's talk about its main elements.

The open-type terrace building consists of the following details:

  • foundation foundation;
  • flooring;
  • additional designs.

The first two are considered mandatory items from the above. The latter depends on personal preference.

Roof options

If you are interested in learning how to make a terrace yourself, then this information will be very useful.So, the roof provides protection to any building from the negative effects of the environment, an extension to the cottage is no exception. If the site is attached directly to the main housing, then, as a rule, the same roof is installed as on the house.

Polycarbonate roofs, which do not need a practical foundation, have gained great demand. In this case, wooden poles are arranged and cemented at the corners of the prepared structure.

A difficult option is the green roof, which is equipped to create an auxiliary effect in the landscape, planting cultural plantings, as well as thinking through their combination.

However, it is important to take into account the fact that for the favorable growth of plants it is important to fill the necessary soil level, create drainage, as well as waterproofing, which requires powerful support. Otherwise, the roof may collapse.

In such buildings, a few columns will not be enough. You should provide supports around the entire perimeter of the site, as well as strengthen the crate to a large extent.

If the building is operated, as a rule, in the summer period of time, it is possible to equip a removable roof. This canopy is made of material that is sold in any hardware store. The design extends and retracts automatically, or manually.

If the annex is a free-standing structure, then the canopy is fixed by means of metal special racks. The material in the canopies is mainly acrylic with enhanced Teflon spraying, which is not afraid of sunlight and precipitation.

Some people use folding umbrellas when setting up terraces to get rid of unwanted roof installation. In principle, to create coolness in the heat of such an option is quite enough, especially with a rare vacation.


A separate outbuilding for a comfortable vacation in the country is a rather creative process, which is why the development stage, the choice of style, as well as the calculation of various trifles and elements of competent arrangement are considered the most problematic.

Photo of the terrace in the country

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My wife and I in a private house have such a terrace. Very modest compared to what I saw. There is something to strive for.


In my opinion, it is better to immediately plan a terrace in the project, i.e. with the foundation. That's exactly what I did. When I ordered from specialists, I preferred to pay a little extra so that the project would be made exactly the way I want, with a large terrace. The house was a sight for sore eyes, and it was built quickly in a month from the foundation to the roof