Snow shovel for home - the best choice of a convenient and reliable tool (65 photos)

With the onset of winter, changes in weather conditions are not only associated with the joy and entertainment of the kids. A large amount of snow on the site can cause certain problems. These are snowdrifts that interfere with the free approach to the house or exit the car, as well as excessive load on the roof.

A snow shovel helps to clear the area. Any zealous owner should have it in stock. And you need to worry about the purchase in advance.

Types of Cleaning Tools

Snow shovels can be of various modifications. But all models can be divided into two large groups:

  • Hand shovels with a handle;
  • Mechanical tools.

The simplest solution for a summer residence is manual equipment with a bucket and a long handle. It can be independently made of wood or plywood. In the store you can buy plastic or metal counterparts. The strength and durability of the tool depend on the type of material. However, the shape of the bucket is even more important. You need to choose a shovel with a capacious working surface, which easily picks up and drops snow mass.

Also convenient is the option with an ergonomic angle of the working plane. It is recommended to choose models with a rectangular or trapezoidal shape of the bucket. Moreover, the presence of the sides will increase the amount of snow taken.

Mechanical devices do not exceed 15 kg in weight, are driven by a person, and the snow mass is removed due to the work of a special mechanism. They are used to clean the area near the country house, as well as in other areas with a small area.

To work does not require special knowledge and skills. There are two types of inventory on sale:

  • hand screw tool;
  • electric models.

Types of shank shovels for snow

If you do not want to spend too much on this inventory, then cuttings will be a great solution. The most convenient bucket in size is the 500x400 mm model.

The wooden handle is suitable for cleaning snow near the house. Moreover, the holder itself, if necessary, can be cut off. The aluminum version is more expensive, but lightens the whole structure. There are also plastic cuttings.

Wooden structure

This is the easiest and cheapest option. Such a shovel is easily made with your own hands. As a bucket, plywood is used, which is inexpensive in cost. It can be used if the winters in your region are short and not snowy. Buying an expensive model will be unprofitable. And for the elimination of rarely occurring snowdrifts, such a simple option is sufficient.

This is a short-lived design that is unlikely to last you more than 2-3 weeks. Plywood will begin to delaminate and decay, break under the pressure of the transported snow.

A handle made from the holders of another garden tool will be more durable. It can be used for other purposes. But operation in cold and humid conditions with temperature differences will adversely affect the stalk.

Also, the design is not too strong, especially when the plywood is attached using self-tapping screws or nails. But such inconveniences can be suffered if the weather caught you suddenly, and there was no other better and more reliable device for cleaning the territory on the farm.

Plastic shovel

This is a more convenient and lightweight model with a comfortable handle. Among the main advantages are:

  • equipped with comfortable sides that trap snow on the work surface;
  • the presence of wide ribs gives better glide;
  • frost-resistant flat surface of the bucket, especially if composite plastic is used, which is also resistant to mechanical damage;
  • sparing effect on the covering of paths and lawns.

Of course, standard plastic is not too durable, the shovel area of ​​the structure wears out quickly enough. However, high-quality specimens can well last up to 4-5 seasons. Moreover, such a shovel will not get wet and rust. Many models are resistant to salt, equipped with additional nozzles and convenient mounts.

Among the popular manufacturers of plastic shovels, GARDENA, Fiskars, etc. can be noted. On sale you can find models with a telescopic handle, compact automotive structures. Special plastic scrapers with arcuate handles are popular. The latter option is mainly used for wet and loose snow.

Aluminum inventory

Such shovels are often lighter than their plastic counterparts, have convenient handles and blades that are perfectly selected in shape and design. But most importantly, they are very durable. The following advantages should also be noted:

  • great flexibility;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • recoverability after deforming contacts;
  • excellent glide of the working plane.

Along with such positive characteristics, a high cost should be answered. However, they may have an additional purpose - for motorists or climbers. Titanium models, also distinguished by their strength, reliability and lightness, have become widespread.

For ease of use, products can be equipped with additional options. For example, a shovel on wheels is considered very convenient to use. It is easy to move, clearing the area. And the large width of the bucket allows you to do this very quickly. Among aluminum fixtures, such brands as Ferrino Shovel, St. Tropez, and Snowball are popular.

Mechanical types of shovels

To clean small areas or long garden paths, it is more profitable to purchase mechanical models. They require significantly less effort, and productivity will be much higher.

Screw construction

This is a more advanced modification of a conventional manual fixture. Shovels with a screw operate as follows. When a person moves a device around a site, the auger touches its edge with the earth and starts to rotate. Due to this rotation, snow begins to be thrown to the side in the direction from the shovel.

Snow mass is thrown to a distance of 300 mm to the side. This value depends on the speed with which you will move the tool.

On both sides along the trajectory of motion, the layer of snowdrifts will increase. Therefore, this design is more suitable for cleaning garden paths. But if you want to clear the strip wider than the size of the bucket, then it will take a very long time to work.

This type of tool is preferred when harvesting loose material. It is not suitable for cleaning the site of compacted and packed snow. Among the well-known models can be identified, for example, Forte QI-JY 50 or Patriot Arctic.

Electric shovel

It is not necessary to make a lot of effort when cleaning. You can use a more efficient and productive device.Electric shovels work in one mode and are driven by an electric motor, which makes the screw rotate through the gearbox. The snow mass entering the nozzle is removed to the outside.

Depending on the engine, it is possible to clean a strip up to 50 cm wide once, although this requires a power of about 2 kW. As a result, the weight of this design can reach 10 kg. On average, the capture is 20-30 cm, which is sufficient for effective cleaning of the site.

Of course, human efforts are significantly saved, the load on the hands and spine is reduced. However, the scope is also significantly limited. Especially if the equipment is low-power.

There will be no effect if you plan to clear the area of ​​deep (more than 25 cm) or packed snow. In the first case, the shovel will stick in the snowdrifts, and in the second case, the plastic screw simply cannot withstand the load. Not working will be with wet mass. Such snow will clog the gutter, and moisture can cause a short circuit.

The use of electrical construction is advisable when cleaning smooth surfaces, for example, concrete or tiled. If you work on gravel, the auger will break from contact with stones or the ground.

In the photo of a snow shovel for a house, you can see a wide variety of models and designs. Among electrical analogues, HYUNDAI S 400, BAUMASTER STE-3431X, SunGarden ST 35, PATRIOT PS 1000 E are popular.

How to make at home

If your yard is covered with snow, and you did not have time to buy a cleaning tool in time, you will have to make it yourself. It is important to initially determine what to make a shovel from. The simplest option to quickly arm yourself in bad weather is a plywood construction.

First, from the piece of the board you need to build the back surface of the bucket. In advance, an arched mark is made on the workpiece with the following parameters:

  • center height 100 mm;
  • edge height 50 mm

A workpiece is cut along the contour with a planer and cuts are made under the handle in the central part with a hacksaw. A chisel must cut a rectangular hole in this place. A pen will be inserted into it.

A handle made of plank is inserted into the hole. At the same time, its surface should go flush with the lid, go under the plywood and subsequently close to it.

Then plywood must be placed on top of the back cover and secured with nails. Prepared steel plates corresponding to the parameters of the bucket are bent over the edges of the bottom and fastened with screws on its surface. Using a small plate reinforce the attachment of the handle to plywood.

Snow shovel is a useful tool in the household. In snowy winters, you can clear the site, prepare access roads. To do this, you need to purchase any model from plastic or metal, select the desired design or make the simplest version of the inventory from plywood.

Photo of a snow shovel for home

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