Septic Topas - a detailed overview and description of technical specifications

The organization of sewage is one of the priority tasks of owners of private real estate. The supply of urban sewage is not always possible, especially if the house is in the wild. Then the withdrawal of wastewater has to be arranged through a special autonomous installation, which has the abbreviation AU. Most often, such systems are called septic tanks, and one of them must be considered - Topas.

Septic Topas - general view

Outside, the thematic device has a simple design, which is akin to an apiary - a vertical rectangular box with a lid. The profile of the body is made of polypropylene. The bet on him was made for a reason, because plastic material does not decompose under the influence of different temperatures and moisture. This property allows internal mechanisms to remain protected from precipitation, groundwater, etc.

Internal organization

The thematic system is an autonomous waste treatment plant. Four internal cameras are responsible for the corresponding function. They serve as barriers to waste. Sequential processing in four stages makes stock 98% clean.

The presence of aerators in the compartments inside the chambers contributes to the injection of oxygen, which arouses aerobic microorganisms. With them, the decomposition of waste is accelerated. But to describe the thematic process in a few words is difficult. Therefore, it is important to tie the internal circuitry of the device to a vital issue. She has:

  • Camera for reception;
  • Aeration Tenk;
  • Sludge stabilizer;
  • Channel for access to drains;
  • Filter of large fractions;
  • Aerated chamber for receiving;
  • Airlift;
  • Aerated aeration tank;
  • Airlifts for regulating temperature, gas level;
  • Airlift for regulating the quality of sludge;
  • Sump of the second level;
  • Compressors;
  • Collector of complex fragments;
  • Cover for access to the aeration system;
  • Air intakes;
  • Channel for the exit of clean water;
  • Channel for pumping sludge mass.

At the same time, the Topop septic tank can be changed depending on the technological innovations that guide the manufacturer of thematic AC within the framework of its design and assembly. This potential is regulated by GOST and international standards.

Cleaning process

Many Thopas devices work in a coordinated manner with the incoming waste stream. The cleaning process is carried out in several stages:

  • When drains get into the chambers, aeration occurs for the development of bacteria. The latter destroy some particles so that others settle to the bottom, and the fat rises to the surface. For large fractions created a highway with holes. Processed water is pumped through the pump. Large fractions remain so that the next filter receives less volume for processing. As a result, the first compartment manages waste by 45-50%;
  • The second compartment with the help of an aeration tank raises pollution above the water. Its pyramidal shape contributes to the rapid settling of other particles. Pumps pump water into the third compartment 20-30% cleaner from the initial level of pollution;
  • The third or fourth compartments, similarly to the previous one, bring purification to 97-99%.

After that, water automatically fills another tank. The further fate of the liquid is technical use.

For the operation of the septic tank Topaz, you need to have a continuous power supply. If it occurs with stops, then the aerator stops working, the bacteria quickly die out (within 4-8 hours), which obliges us to start the cleaning process again.


The thematic treatment system has a certain capacity.Today, the Topop septic line has expanded so much that there are huge stations serving 100-150 people. Their operation requires engineering control. Typical models are installed as standard and work offline:

  • First, for the system, you need to choose a place that is not planted with trees and is in close proximity to the house;
  • Then, a foundation pit digs under the treatment plant (the recess should be 20-30% larger than the septic tank so that it can be conveniently operated from the side if necessary);
  • Next, at the bottom of the pit, a soft sand cushion is organized (there should be several layers - 5 cm each);
  • A trench is dug out under the sewer line that will pass between the house and the septic tank (it is important to observe the pipe slope from the bathroom to the septic tank - 2 cm per meter);
  • Then you need to lay a propylene pipe and a VVG cable 4 * 1.5 mm from the house to the pit (the latter must be hidden in the HDPE pipe);
  • The next step is the immersion of the septic tank in the pit (the design includes holes for the rope, which can be used to accurately deepen);
  • Next is the connection of the electric cable and sewer pipe to the inlet box and the housing, respectively (in separate septic tanks, a hole must be cut out for the drain line, and after the thematic docking, seal the seam with sealant);
  • The final stage is the connection of pumps and pipes.

It remains only to connect the septic tank to the network and check it through a test run. For this, the receiving chamber of the station is filled with clean water until completely filled. This action initiates the emergence of the float and air supply through the aerotank. The device can be considered operational.

Separate nuances

Before using the thematic system of wastewater treatment, one must understand the complexity of its operation. The latter obliges:

  • To have constant electricity;
  • Perform periodic inspection - 2-4 times a year;
  • Be guided by the limits on salvo ebb tide;
  • Find a way to use industrial waste water.

If a private house is intended for seasonal recreation, then for the winter the septic tank must be preserved. Otherwise, the thematic system can be considered completely autonomous.

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