Tree seedlings - selection and care of fruit and ornamental trees (120 photos)

How pleasant it is in our bustling age of high technology to enjoy the coolness in the shade of a tree. What could be nicer than your own corner of nature. Each person has their own idea of ​​an ideal summer cottage.

For some, the ultimate dream is a large fruitful orchard of fruit trees. Growing, caring from a small seedling to a full-fledged tree for gardeners brings tremendous pleasure. And how pleasant it is to enjoy in the end the fruits of your labors: fragrant apples, juicy pears, exotic peaches.

For others - an ideal summer residence, a place for a relaxing holiday with your favorite book, or just contemplation of natural beauties surrounded by ornamental shrubs or exotic trees. A picturesque garden - the fruits of the work of a landscape designer or your personal project.

But, as in the first and in the second version, dreams of an ideal garden cannot be achieved without basic knowledge about caring for trees and planting seedlings in your garden.

Fruit trees for different regions

Climatic conditions in different regions of our vast country are very different, therefore seedlings of fruit trees are best chosen for a particular area.

Perhaps, one of the most popular types of fruit trees is considered an apple tree. It is frost-resistant and not whimsical to the type of soil. Pear, plum, and cherry are also very popular among summer residents of central Russia.

In the southern regions, of course, the choice of fruit trees is much greater. In the suburban areas of warm regions, cherries, apricots, and peaches are found everywhere. You can also find more exotic pomegranate or persimmon.

Selection and purchase of seedlings

Growing trees is of course time-consuming and painstaking work, which always starts with choosing a seedling. And if you want to enjoy a rich harvest and a healthy plant, you must follow certain rules.

The first recommendation relates to the place of purchase of seedlings of trees and shrubs. Of course, you should opt for a specialized nursery, specialists will give you qualified recommendations on choosing a variety and on caring for it. While buying a plant in the market from strangers, you risk being deceived.

Seedlings are usually bought either in early spring or in autumn, this is necessary to adapt to the winter period.

As you can see in the photo of tree seedlings, the root system can be open and closed, as well as in the container.

The open root system is distinguished by transport features. This type of planting material is transported in moist peat wrapped in paper or cloth to prevent the root from drying out. Such seedlings are planted immediately after purchase, starting in October and ending in November.

Seedlings with a closed root system are sold with an earthen lump on the rhizome, wrapped in polyethylene, that is, the roots are not exposed. To transfer such trees is neat, supporting under the lower part of the roots.

Planted in early autumn or in April. Storage is allowed for 2-3 weeks, during this period it is necessary to maintain soil moisture on the roots.

Seedlings are usually transplanted into a container immediately before sale, and before that they are rooted in pots.

Basic rules for choosing seedlings

It is best to choose a seedling as young as possible, so it is more likely that it will take root painlessly. The ideal age of planting material is 2 years and a height of 1.5 m.It is dangerous to transplant older specimens, since the likelihood of death increases.

The condition of the roots is very important, they must be thick and moist, wrapped in cloth. If the roots are dry, the plant is likely to die.

Another point regarding the roots, which is important to pay attention to. The root neck must have a vaccination site, otherwise it’s not a high-grade seedling in front of you, but a wild bird or root shoot.

The condition of the seedling bark will also indicate the degree of its freshness. The top layer should be smooth and elastic, dryness and lethargy indicates that the seedlings have been dug for a long time.

You can conduct a simple test with a scratch (of course, if the seller does not mind). Scrape the bark slightly, if the layer under it is fresh and green - the plant is healthy, and if it is dark brown - alas, the plant died.

A good quality seedling trunk should have about five branches half a meter long. The kidneys should be intact.

Lignified shoots are the key to a good wintering plant.

Planting a tree

Before planting seedlings, you need to decide on the place, since for different types of trees there are features of location and care. For example, cherry is a light-loving tree, therefore it is recommended to plant it on a hillock, where there is no shortage of sunshine.

Also, cherries are not recommended to be planted in acidic soil. The problem of acid soil can be solved, it is necessary to fertilize it. The main components of the fertilizer should be phosphorus and potassium. Pears and apple trees are not so picky about the composition of the soil, but they also will not refuse a portion of nutrients.

With a place decided, you must choose the time for landing. Usually, autumn or spring is chosen for planting seedlings, but even this has its own nuances.

In the spring, right after the ice melts, you can start planting trees, but this process is best completed ten days before buds open.

Autumn is a better time to plant young trees. This is due to several factors: loose soil saturated with rains, relatively warm temperature and also autumn time, this is the period of rest of the plant. Therefore, the survival rate of autumn planting is almost perfect.

Planting patterns of most seedlings are no different. First you need to loosen the soil for planting, remove debris or stones. Fertilize not later than two weeks later with natural fertilizer, namely manure, or bought in a specialized store.

After the soil is prepared, you need to dig a hole. When planting seedlings of trees, the age and size of the tree pay attention, the depth of the pit, on average about 70 cm, directly depends on this.

When planting fruit trees, remember that the crown usually grows quite voluminous, so you need to take into account the distance between the trees about 3-4 meters.

In the center of the dug hole, you should fix a wooden stick pre-treated with a special compound or just fire. This is to prevent rotting in the soil.

Then we plant a tree, sprinkle the roots with soil and ram carefully with our hands. The seedling must not be wound with a rigid rope to the stick fixed in the pit. After the tree has taken its place in your garden, water it with at least two buckets of water.Do not forget to water the seedling on average once a week.

Pest control

Having made considerable efforts when choosing and planting seedlings, it will not be nice if the trees die due to the attack of pests. In the spring, before the first leaves appear, carry out preventive treatment of your garden.

Processing trees from parasites and insects is carried out in two ways:

Spraying. A special preparation diluted in water is sprayed not only onto the trunk, but also onto the branches using a spray gun. Such drugs are purchased in specialized stores.

Whitewashing is carried out with lime or a water primer. As a rule, only a tree trunk is whitened. This method protects the seedling not only from parasites, but also from insects, preventing access from the ground.

The painstaking conscientious work on the plot always rewards the gardener with a rich harvest and a beautiful flowering tree view.

Photo of seedlings of trees

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