Garden fountains: ideas for landscape design and stylish design of the site (95 photos)

Equipping your own site, do not forget to install unusual and fascinating water bodies. At all times, magical streams fascinate people, attract to themselves, and at the same time they have a calming effect. Believe me, a garden fountain for a summer residence is a win-win option in modern landscape design. It not only looks attractive, but also creates a general microclimate of freshness and purity.

For many centuries, with the help of such engineering structures, they have been decorating cities. It is believed that the fountain is one of the main objects in parks and squares. Having established it in the country, be prepared for the fact that this will become the main place for rest and relaxation.


The invention is ancient, but even to this day has remained popular. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians decorated their gardens with fountains. Previously, the buildings also had a practical purpose. With their help, people watered the earth during a drought, stocked up with the right amount of water.


Varieties of fountains

  • Dry source. The jet in it circulates in a circle. It flows into the tank and from there returns to its original position.
  • Submersible fountain. This object takes water from the reservoir in which it was installed.
  • Decorative building. The name speaks for itself. It creates a beautiful effect with a stream of water. Decorative fountain is considered one of the most popular among all types.
  • Construction with a special effect. Thanks to the built-in electronic control, the fountain not only plays melodies, but also attracts with different color shades
  • The fountain is interactive. The built-in remote allows you to control and select the color scheme, the height of the water supply.

You can design a garden plot with garden fountains in completely different themes. The developers have tried and offer their product, which has different nozzles, so that the current stream of water creates patterns.


Using the nozzle of the tube with two disks and a gap, water is formed in the form of a dome. Size can be adjusted by changing the space of honey discs.

In the form of a fish tail

The nozzle on the device helps water to flow out in many thin streams without the formation of a film, at an angle of up to 60 degrees.


The connected work of the Bell and the Fishtail creates an incredibly beautiful effect. A powerful central jet and a pair of thin symmetrical flows create a general view.


The construction of the facility is similar to the Bell. But here the jet is not vertical, but at an angle of about 45 degrees. The flow resembles the shape of a flower.


The structure has separate small holes arranged in a circle.

Our article posted photos of the garden fountain. All types are depicted on them and it is clearly visible how water is supplied.

Choose a place for the fountain

If you wanted to equip the structure on a suburban area, be sure to remember a few rules.

Choosing a place to install a fountain in the country, do not forget about the proportions. Choose an object that will look the best in harmony and combine with the overall landscape design. Remember, the larger the fountain, the farther you place it from the house, they usually have high jets of water.

The construction is decorative in nature, so it should be visible from all sides. Do not install the structure near the trees. Leaves may fall at any time of the year or even in summer. Take care of filters to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Usually algae are planted in water. They will not only benefit, but also natural nature.If you used a small fountain on the site, then any place is suitable for it. These can be objects in the form of bowls or figures of animals.

Installation of equipment yourself

With some experience, you can install a complex design with your own hands. The main thing is to choose a suitable pump for the fountain. The flow of water supply and cost depend on power.

Typically, a pump, sprayer, jet regulator and nozzle are included. To make the process go smoothly, prepare bricks and stones, because the pump is installed not on the bottom, but on building materials. The base must be at least the thickness of two bricks.

If the purchased design has lights and decorative elements, then wire the wires in advance. After all necessary work, proceed to the decor and fill the tanks with water.

Proper maintenance of the garden fountain

Do not worry, caring for a water body is easy. Periodically clean the pump, and the filters, they have the property, become dirty. All models are demanding in their own way, this is written by the instruction in the column where the technical specifications are indicated. Trash and leaves must fall into the pool and bowl, so periodic cleaning will protect the structure from damage.

For beauty, plants can be planted around the fountain, so that the appearance does not deteriorate, they need to be weeded and watered.

If there is a pond on the site, then you are doubly lucky. The fact that he is in the yard is already good, but try, equip it with a fountain for the pond. Believe me, the money spent and the time is worth the household will be satisfied and will say thanks more than once.

Singing structure in the garden

If you want to constantly feel the holiday - install a singing fountain. It is called musical, luminous, dancing, as the soul desires. The design includes a color music control panel. That's just the cost of it is great through complexity during development.

Due to the fact that jets of water are accompanied by musical notes, no party will be boring. You can control the fountain remotely.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated a little experience, time and the appearance of the garden is completely transformed. By installing a fountain in your own hands, you can save money. But only if you have done this before or seen how the installation process goes.

When in doubt, seek the help of specially trained craftsmen. They will cope in the shortest possible time. Surprise relatives and neighbors, invite friends to visit. All without exception will be surprised. Put a table and benches nearby and discuss interesting topics for a long time. Do not boldly drag out the work, do not be shy.

Photo of garden fountains

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