Garden car - instructions on how to choose a finished one, or do it yourself. (110 photos)

An experienced gardener has at hand the necessary tools: secateurs, scissors, a shovel, a rake, an ax. To transport soil, fertilizer, harvested crops and much more, a car is needed. Choosing a garden car for your own site, you need to have a clear idea of ​​its main characteristics. Otherwise, the chances of comfortable use of the device are small.

Depending on the tasks performed, several types of “carrier” are distinguished, each of which has its pros and cons.

Garden and construction cars: differences

Garden "model" is a lightweight structure, has a lower carrying capacity and, accordingly, its price is lower. Transportation of heavy loads on a wheelbarrow for the garden is not provided, but it allows you to work with various seedlings, fertilizer, soil.

When harvesting, the garden option is simply indispensable when it becomes necessary to transport potatoes, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables. In addition, thanks to its special design and lightweight materials, it will be easy to operate not only for men, but also for women.

Regarding the design, there are also differences: as a rule, a wheelbarrow for a garden has only one wheel (there are exceptions), its body is more flexible and thinner. With regard to the volume of cargo transported, it is worth noting that a wheelbarrow for gardening needs takes no more than 60-90 liters, construction - 120-140 liters.

Nuances of choice and types of garden cars

With the external similarity of wheelbarrows, there are fundamental differences between them. Let's turn to the design features.

Wheels Depending on the severity of the intended load, the wheelbarrow is equipped with one, two, and even four wheels. With an increase in the number of wheels, maneuverability decreases. Therefore, in a densely planted area with narrow paths, a unicycle wheelbarrow will be the leader.

However, this option has a significant drawback. When the car is heavily loaded on soft, dug up soil, its wheel will constantly bog down in the ground, preventing fast movement.

For this reason, the best option on soft ground can be a two-wheeled car (or four). It has more stability, it is easier to move around the site, even with heavy workload.

The downside will be reduced maneuverability. Therefore, before buying a car, you need to calculate the width of all garden paths, the number and angle of turns.

Wheel diameter affects cushioning, preferably large. The optimal size of the rim is 35-45 cm. Today, models with pneumatic wheels that are pumped with air under pressure are popular.

The movement of such wheels on any surface is carried out with ease, especially thanks to installed bearings or special bushings. It is worth remembering that all bearings must be lubricated periodically, having previously been cleaned of dirt.

Pens. There are two options for making handles for wheelbarrows: one longitudinal, or two slightly diverging to the sides (parallel arrangement is possible). Empirically, you can determine which of the pens will be more convenient. When the car is equipped with one wheel, it is better to find the second option, with two handles, to distribute the weight evenly on both hands.

A multi-wheeled car is simply pushed forward, there is no need to keep it from stalling on its side. Therefore, when choosing a pen, you should focus on personal preferences.

The only nuance requiring attention and verification is that between the handles located in parallel should fit the body of a person.Any modification should provide long handles, the ends of which should have a non-slip ergonomic surface made of plastic.

Frame. An element providing strength and reliability of the structure. Frames made of steel pipes have a high strength. However, a bent-welded frame is also suitable for gardening.

An important requirement is the tight fit of the element to the body, in addition, the frame must have high strength supports. Some types of wheelbarrows are complemented by a stiffener, and the walls and bottom of the body are made of thick galvanized steel sheet. Thus, a reinforced wheelbarrow is obtained, which allows transporting heavier loads and having a longer service life.

Material and body shape. The shape of the car can be trapezoidal or square. The first allows you to easily unload the contents, the second - to accurately place the geometrically correct shape in the load inside the body.

The choice of material is a very crucial moment, because the car is experiencing physical stress with simultaneous aggressive environmental influences.

As a result, rust may appear on the surface of gardening equipment, which without due attention will lead to its unsuitability in the future. Therefore, high-quality metal, for example, steel 0.8-1.5 mm thick, can become a good car material.

Protection to metal is provided by galvanizing or paint. There is no single answer to the question about the best coverage, since in each case a lot depends on the operating conditions.

The body is also made of plastic or wood, while the service life and strength of garden equipment are significantly reduced, special care is required.

A plastic product will not cope with a lot of soil, compost or sand, but is suitable for leaves, light garbage. The main condition when using plastic wheelbarrows is protection from fire and other sources of heat, frost or hail.

Wheelbarrows made of wood lose their practical purpose every year, today they are rarely seen anywhere. Unless as a decoration element: under flower pots, for example. If there are no other options, the wheelbarrow is used in the garden, measuring the bearing capacity and weight of the cargo carried.

The size. The size range is diverse. Before you buy a car, you should measure the width of all driveways, gate openings. This will finally determine the size.

Roominess. Measured in liters. Basically, the volume values ​​are 65-90 liters.

Carrying capacity. Maximum indicators indicate the permissible limits of a particular model, about the weight at which a loaded hand wheelbarrow for the garden does not break. Values ​​- 70-130 kg (180 kg are sometimes found). At high load ratings, the total weight of the structure increases.

Weight. The material of the body and frame, the types of handles and wheels in the aggregate give the weight of the entire car. Ideal for the garden will be a 10-pound option. With increasing weight, management becomes more complicated.

Homemade car

The question of how to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands can arise in front of any summer resident.The sequence of actions is important. First you need to acquire material, for example, a sheet of metal and pipes. A body is made from a sheet, which is cooked according to the “butt-to-butt” technology. Next, a frame made of pipes is attached to the body.

Then the design is equipped with handles and a running gear, which are sometimes used as bicycle (meaning a children's bike) or moped wheels. The wheels themselves can have a chamber inside, and a variant of a one-handed garden car with a tubeless wheel is also possible. When completing work on creating a useful structure, do not forget to primer it and paint it.

A curious option can come from an extra iron barrel, which goes to create a hull. The frame for the car is made in the shape of the letter "A", the front part is equipped with a wheel. The hull itself is cut along the barrel.

The main rule of independent manufacture of wheelbarrows is to carefully fasten the parts together, it is imperative to pay attention to the joints of metal and wooden elements. Thus, thanks to improvised means, it is quite possible to get an interesting garden car

Catalogs of stores for summer cottages are full of photos of garden cars, the choice of the optimal model is sometimes difficult. Whatever you come to, whether it’s an independent manufacture or a purchase option, it is important to rationally and thoughtfully make the ratio between the functionality of the car and the time and money spent. Only after this, the buyer will be provided with a "household" and comfortable device that brings satisfaction from all kinds of transportation.

Photo of a garden car

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