Mountain ash - planting and tree care. Overview of the beneficial properties of fruits for the human body (100 photos)

For residents of Russia, mountain ash is of great importance. Since antiquity, this tree attracts with its beneficial properties. Our ancestors considered him a symbol of unquenchable love, fidelity and purity. Many amateur gardeners plant mountain ash in their garden. Delicious and slightly tart berries attract birds.

Soon, birds often begin to visit the site, destroying garden pests, which helps preserve berries, vegetables and fruits. Planting and growing mountain ash does not cause any difficulties, which is attractive for gardeners.

Preparing the soil for planting

A fairly unpretentious tree is any kind of mountain ash. It grows well even in shaded places. But in order for the useful properties of mountain ash to be fully manifested, it is necessary to plant it on a site well lit by the sun. Under these conditions, the crown of the tree will be beautiful and spreading, and the berries will be juicy and saturated.

The tree is usually planted in late autumn, after the juice stops moving. The most optimal for landing is considered the end of October - the beginning of November.

For planting, light loamy and sandy loamy soils are usually chosen. If the soil is heavy, it is lightened by introducing sand and compost. If the land is poor, then before planting, it is necessary to make nutrient organic mixtures in large quantities.

Landing pit is prepared a month or two before landing. It has a diameter of about 60 cm at half a meter depth. Two weeks before planting, it must be seasoned with humus or ripened compost. Subsequently, 30 g of potassium salt and 100 g of superphosphate fertilizer are added to the resulting mass.

For clayey, heavy soils, a deeper landing pit is needed. A drainage layer is made at its bottom, consisting of sand and gravel.

Rowan tree planting is carried out similarly to other garden seedlings. The root system should be carefully straightened, making sure that the root neck is not covered with soil.

After planting, the young tree is watered, and so that the earth around the plant does not dry out, it is recommended to mulch the trunk circle using dry grass or compost.

Care Rules

Caring for trees is similar to caring for other plants. It should land around the trees in a timely manner to loosen and remove weeds. Around the tree, the territory is carefully dug up, what should be done to protect the root system from possible damage. Timely removal of young shoots is carried out.

Rowan berries, especially young ones, love water, so they are watered in a timely manner. This provides better growth of the ovary and shoots.

Fertilizing should be in the spring-autumn period. In spring, a compost mixture with a high nitrogen content should be added to the soil, in the fall - phosphorus and potassium. If seedlings are fed in this way, then they develop better.

To improve the skeleton and its strength, extra branches are cut. Pruning of branches is also necessary for uniform exposure to sunlight on the entire seedling. This contributes to the fact that the fruits of mountain ash become larger and richer, providing a unique and original taste.

You should trim the mountain ash in March. This must be done before the kidneys are awakened from sleep. Young trees should slightly shorten the branches, as well as remove excess shoots. In the mountain ash that fructified, thinning is carried out and the branches are shorter.

If you take care of the trees in accordance with generally accepted rules, then the mountain ash not only in life, but also in the photo will bring joy.

Pests and diseases

Plants are resistant to various diseases and pests. If weather conditions are negative:

  • high degree of humidity;
  • If the temperature changes sharply, then soon this will lead to the appearance of pests.

Leaf plates can be damaged by sawflies, ticks, caterpillars. Blooming mountain ash may be a favorite for flower beetles, berries - mountain ash moths, twigs - apple fruit sawflies and bark beetles

To eliminate all garden pests, mountain ash should be treated with special preparations in several stages. Plants are not treated only at the time of formation and ripening of fruits.

Varietal abundance

Currently, there are a large number of varieties of mountain ash. But the most widespread are the following varieties:

Home. Habitats - the territory of the Crimean peninsula and Central Asia. The berries are colored green. The fruits are large (almost like a plum tree), and the trees are 15 meters tall.

Nevezhinsky. The trunk is strong, the crown is spreading, the plant can grow up to 10-meter height. The berries have 5 faces and a deep red color, the fruits are sweet to taste, without the presence of bitterness.

Russian grade. It turned out when crossing aronia and forest. It is resistant to low temperature conditions, so it can be planted throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, excluding only areas of the Far North. Dark red berries are large in size, reaching up to 15 mm. Alcohol and jam are made from fruits.

Garnet. The plant was obtained after the hawthorn and ordinary mountain ash were crossed. It grows to 4 m. Kona is rare. Berries have a burgundy hue, in shape they are built in the form of faces. The fruit is sweet-tart to taste.

Grade "Titan". A plant was obtained by crossing a pear and an apple tree. Trees grow to a height of 10 meters. Crohn is thick. The color of juicy berries is red, the taste is slightly acidic. Mountain ash grows well in harsh climatic conditions and has a large yield.

Ruby. The variety was obtained by crossing pear trees of various species. Dark red fruits are distinguished by their unique taste and originality.

How to harvest

Rowan trees are characterized by high productivity. Fruit picking is carried out in early autumn. If the fruits have bitterness, then they should be removed after the first frosts hit. This has a beneficial effect on the taste properties of berries.

Specialists recommended to collect the berries with the stem. A similar method of removing fruits by hand will provide a presentable appearance.

If the berries are sweet, then remove them after the crop has ripened. From high rowan fruits are removed with the help of special devices. For example, delimbers.

The harvest is well preserved in the presence of low temperature conditions from zero to plus 1-2 degrees. The fruits are laid out in 1 layer. In this case, the vitamins are completely preserved. Fruits are usually frozen.But in this case, mountain ash cannot be taken out of the refrigerator and defrosted.

If the berries are harvested before the onset of frosty weather, then they are dried, pre-sorted of debris and cleaned of leaves and stalks. The fruits should be dried in the oven, but can be put on a newspaper and dried using sunlight. Storing dried berries is usually not a hassle. They are stored for a long time and do not rot.

Rowan photo

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