Washstand - how to fit into the design of a garden or site? 55 photos of ideas for use in landscape design

One of the indispensable attributes of a comfortable living outside the city is a quality made washstand for a summer residence. If there is a need, then it is quite possible to make it yourself, while saving money. However, most summer residents prefer ready-made models sold in garden shops.

To understand which option is better to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of washbasins, take into account the advantages of different models.

Types of street washbasins

Street washstand should be easy to use and have an affordable price. There are a number of parameters that you should pay attention to when buying a product:

  • the washbasin must meet the general style of the cottage, fit into its decor;
  • the best option for frequent use is a hanging washstand with a large tank;
  • in case of rare use, in order to avoid stagnation of water, the best model will be with a small tank;

The washbasin is stationary, there are options for portable, portable designs. As a rule, a stationary wash-stand is located where the main household work is carried out, while the device may well meet the requirements of a high level of comfort.

A washbasin without a stand is the simplest design. It is a tank with a top bay and a volume of 3-5 liters, equipped with a lid and a tap, or a special outlet float. The drainage function is performed by a drainage installed on the ground or a simple bucket.

From the point of view of the duration of operation, a plastic washstand will be optimal. A more modern version of the washstand is equipped with a magnetic release of water of the clamping type.

The plastic model can be mounted on a metal stand. A number of models have as an additional element a sink with a drain of water. This design will be conveniently located in the aisle of a flower garden or beds.

As for the cost of washbasins, it depends on the volume of the tank, the material from which it is made, practicality and ease of use are taken into account.

Do-it-yourself washbasin manufacture

Around the house, in the garage or under the awning, it is easy to make a simple version of the washbasin. One of the options, conditionally it can be called marching, is made of a plastic bottle of 5 liters. In addition to the bottle, you will need an awl, a candle and wire.

The manufacturing process begins with making holes in the lid heated with a candle awl above the candle. He also made parallel holes just above the middle of the bottle, through which the wire is passed. The tank is filled with water, turned over and suspended on a wire on a branch.

The disadvantage of the design is that the water flows continuously in the inverted state of the bottle, quickly diverging, there is a risk of reverse overturning in strong winds.

Another interesting model is the Moidodyr washbasin, which is a fairly serious stationary design. If you look at the photo of the washstand for a summer residence of this type, it becomes clear that it has considerable weight, its movement is extremely difficult.

A place for its installation is prepared in advance. To independently make a washbasin of this type, you will need a cabinet, a sink and a tank with a faucet. Moydodyr can have a different shape depending on the type of cabinet. Choose a rectangular or square cabinet, sides, the rear wall and doors of which are made of moisture-resistant materials.

To complete the construction, boards with a thickness of 25 mm and a width of 150 mm are suitable. In all vertical elements, grooves are made under the spikes. They can be performed using a milling installation, making a depth of 20 mm and a width of 80 mm.

The ends of all horizontal elements with a saw are equipped with spikes in accordance with the recesses made in the previous step. Then the elements are connected, firmly fixed with galvanized screws. Sheet plywood for decoration can be glued, or fixed with special studs.

At the top of the cabinet between its sidewalls a water tank is mounted. The bottom of the washbasin is made of small rails 20 mm thick and 45 mm wide. The final stage includes the installation of a door with a screwed handle. The finished structure must be carefully sanded and painted. The sink is installed in the last place.

Instead of plywood, it is possible to use plastic panels with different patterns instead of plywood. Then a street washstand with a curbstone will not only serve the fulfillment of plumbing needs, but will also become an excellent decorative element in a summer cottage.

The washstand from the canister is another option. It is convenient, practical, minimal and the cost of its manufacture. In addition to the tank for manufacturing, you will need nuts, a water tap, rubber gaskets and a squeegee.

A hole is prepared in a plastic container into which a flare is installed. Rubber gaskets are put on both ends of the drive, one outside the tank, the other inside, the assembly is tightened with nuts.

The final stage involves the fastening of the crane, the finished structure is filled with water. A washbasin made from a canister requires a carefully designed drainage system. In case of impossibility of its installation, I use a bucket, as an extreme option.

Features of installing a “warm” washbasin

Since summer cottages are performed not only in the warm season, it becomes necessary to find an alternative to the “cold” wash basin, which causes discomfort. Optimal would be the installation of a street washstand with heated water.

On sale there are many varieties of such a device that differ not only in appearance, but also in the features of the design itself. There are, for example, mounted models, which are a rectangular container with a tap and a heating element inside. Such washbasins have a corrosion-resistant coating and are mounted on any reliable surface.

If the location of the washbasin does not imply protection from precipitation, certain safety measures must be followed. They are indicated in the instructions that come with the kit.

The full version of the outdoor washbasin with a heating system is a model of a pedestal, sink and heated tank. The cabinet is made of metal, plastic or wood.

It is more rational to make it collapsible in case of movement of the washbasin. The sink must be steel, or made from polymers. This type of washbasin can be connected to the sewage system.

Heating elements come with washbasins not equipped with a cupboard. If the power is 1.25 kW, then 15-17 liters of water will be heated to high temperature in about half an hour. Washstands are connected to a conventional outlet, the amount of energy consumed in this case is determined by the power of the heating element.

In modern models, temperature controllers are installed to control the degree of water heating. Some devices have an automatic shutdown function.

Installation of a heated outdoor washbasin should be carried out under a roof or canopy, since the device requires protection from atmospheric precipitation. It is forbidden to use the so-called “temporary huts” for electric power supply to the wash basin in accordance with safety regulations.

A country vacation will become comfortable, and household work will be carried out in convenient conditions when the cottage is equipped with all plumbing fixtures, including a street wash basin.

Only the right device choice, based on knowledge of the features of various models, and proper installation will lead to the desired result.

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