Watering the site: design, assembly and installation of an automatic watering system (130 photos)

With the onset of summer, all summer residents are wondering about irrigation in the garden. For many years, plants were watered from a hose, buckets and watering cans, but now there are more convenient ways to care for the site. Now there are several types of watering that will do this energy-saving work for you, spending less resources and giving you time for relaxation and rest in the country.

Garden Watering Principles

In order for the land to be equally moistened, different types of garden irrigation are used. The effectiveness of irrigation systems directly depends on how well the equipment is, the correct design of the irrigation scheme and the correct installation of the system.

Auto Watering System Resources

  • autonomous regulation of activation and deactivation of the system, the power of water supply;
  • phased watering of individual areas of the site;
  • depending on weather conditions: sensitivity of rain and snow, frost.

Types of irrigation systems

Plants can be included in the structure of automatic irrigation if they are planted on a windowsill, on the ground or in a greenhouse.

Dozhdevateli. Water is sprayed through the soil, simulating rain, often such spraying is used for lawns. Often such spraying is overly abundant for some plant species.

Drip root watering. With this method of irrigation, water is supplied directly to the plant root with drops or small streams of water.

This method of irrigation is often used for vegetable or berry crops in the garden and greenhouse, a reduced version of such irrigation can be applied on the windowsill.

Underground water application. This type of irrigation is very similar to the previous one, the difference is that in this case hoses made of more durable material are used.

Devices and equipment

The main equipment used in irrigation structures is the same:

  • pump;
  • filter;
  • a tank for regulating the temperature of water;
  • gearbox;
  • trunk pipeline;
  • precinct pipeline.

The undoubted difference is how the water is supplied: in the form of drizzling rain or directly to the root of the plant.

How to make watering in the country yourself

Regular watering ensures that the culture is saturated with moisture, regardless of whether you follow this system or not, in rainy weather the equipment adapts and stops automatic watering. Therefore, having come to rest in the country, at any time you will receive flowering and healthy plants in your summer cottage.

You can control the watering of plants through a smartphone, determining the spraying of water at different times, up to a year. This system is capable of comparative savings of electricity and water, which ensures the saving of not only your own strengths.

Together with watering, you can fertilize plants, which means that you will greatly facilitate your work and your loved ones. For proper operation of this structure, it is only necessary to occasionally check its serviceability, and prepare it accordingly for winter.

Stages of design and installation of irrigation

Production of a thorough irrigation scheme

This is a fundamental element of your future autowatering design project. You can buy this service from specialists or make it yourself.You should depict your summer cottage plot on a scale of 1: 100, fixing the exact location on it of a house, various household objects, a swing, arbors, fences, trees, garden crops, flower beds and other plants and crops located in your garden.

Since each plant requires a certain moisture consumption, its excess can provoke the death of a vegetable or fruit.

Try to put water in the middle of the plot, thus, due to approximately the same length of the water channels, the approximate pressure of the water in the system is comparable throughout its length.

After you have made a detailed diagram of your site, you should choose the type of water supply for its individual parts. It is preferable to use sprinkling for lawns and grain crops, for the bushes and berries, drip irrigation is a priority.

Determination of the amount of water allowed by the irrigation system

Now you need to find out what is the maximum number of simultaneously functioning sprinklers on your site. This also determines the effect of irrigation canals in the system: whether they can function simultaneously or whether it will be necessary to start alternately.

In order to know the throughput, a hose 1 m long and 19 mm in diameter is required. It is required to fix in seconds how long a ten-liter bucket of water will fill with this hose. After that, we calculate the distance directly from the crane itself to the distant sprinkler so that after 15 meters we add another 2 seconds to the total time.

All obtained values ​​need to be added together and compared with the table attached to the irrigation systems. So you can determine the allowable number of sprinklers.

Equipment selection

It is necessary to find and choose the right equipment, as a rule, the size of the equipment varies from the size of the site itself.

  • plastic pipes;
  • connectors
  • sprinklers;
  • drip hoses;
  • automatic valves;
  • pump;
  • water tank;
  • rain or soil moisture sensors;
  • programmable controller.

System installation

To get started, you should prepare channels for irrigation trenches. In accordance with the scheme, we dig trenches, dig irrigation canals, put pipes, putting plugs on them so that the earth does not appear in them. We also manufacture an irrigation comb for valve boxes, and put a controller in the house.

Also, the wires need to be pulled out and laid in a trench under the pipe, while leaving sufficient loops in order to reduce the possibility of critical voltage, we connect the wires to the comb using moisture-proof connectors.

Next, you need to install sprinklers according to a previously defined scheme, to complete the design of drip irrigation of the garden. In order to do this, we build in droppers to the main branch of irrigation or we bring watering for each individual bush with the help of other pipes and sprinklers. We dig trenches.

Further, in the controller settings, we calculate, if necessary, the frequency of watering flowers, vegetables and fruits and the size of the water for them. Depending on the type of plant to be watered, water consumption will be different: for flowers and some types of vegetables it will be up to 2 liters per hour, shrubs and trees will need a larger volume of water - up to 8 liters per hour. It is also important to consider the type of soil; less water will be needed for clay soils.

Having done automatic watering yourself, you can relax every evening or even leave the summer cottage, and in the fall get a rich harvest, as well as an abundance of shrubs.

If the system seems complicated for you to complete, you can always turn to specialists for help, up to the point that the entire structure will be mounted and installed, you only need to periodically monitor its performance. Practicality and appearance you can appreciate by looking at the irrigation photo on the site.

Make the garden a place of your relaxation, and not the need to leave all your energy and time in the struggle for a poor harvest due to drought or other weather troubles.

Photo of watering the site

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Galimov Timur

I have long wanted to make automatic irrigation in my area, all my hands did not reach. For myself, I learned that there are various ways of watering. And also now on the market is a wide variety of controllers for irrigation system control. You can even control watering from a smartphone. This will greatly simplify everyday chores.