Roof filing - the best options for filing overhangs (cornices) with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photos

After the main installation, the roof needs cosmetic repairs - a neat finish of the overhangs (protruding beyond the walls of the lower part). To do this is not necessary at all, many do not file this part of the house for many reasons, both financial and technological reasons.

But there is a serious argument in favor of holding the final cosmetic events with a roof - the danger that strong gusts of wind will simply tear the coating. And the whole "pie filling" in sight - waterproofing, insulation, rafters - looks ugly, talking about the incompleteness of roofing.

Roof overhangs are used to protect walls and foundations from precipitation. At the final stage, when all roofing works are completed, the outer walls are insulated.

Varieties of roofing

Finishing cosmetic roofs are performed in two versions:

  • Filing cornice;
  • Finishing the gable overhang.

The eaves overhang delivers fresh air to the roof cavity, the space of the attic. With tight plugging, improper installation - the “roofing cake” will not be ventilated, moisture will begin to accumulate.

The complete lack of cladding causes serious problems:

  • Disruption of the roof by the wind;
  • Damage to waterproofing, insulation by birds, mice, insects,
  • Rotting of rafters, important supporting structural elements;
  • Leakage of the ceiling (when water gets into the cavity of the “roofing cake”, destruction of the waterproofing) with its subsequent collapse.

Finishing the eaves overhangs is always done not continuous, but ventilated!

Binder process

  • The wall of the building, and the wooden filing - have gaps (gaps) left during installation, covered with a net to protect against insects, flying foliage, and dry branches;
  • The use of ventilation grills when finishing overhangs with metal sheets, plates, wooden lining;
  • The use of perforated material in the process of finishing overhangs with spotlights.

The lateral part of the roof slope forms an inclined gable overhang. In the process of filing, we take care of tightness, so that a strong gusty wind does not drive snow, raindrops onto the boards, into the space between them, the crates protruding outward.

Wet insulation will cease to retain heat well. Damaged waterproofing will not be able to fully perform its functions.

Decorating Unclosed Items

Visible end parts of the structure are called “edges”. Often, components are complete with roofing materials, they do not need to be manufactured independently.

Overhangs have open areas that need protection, accurate design:

  • Cornice - rafters, their end part;
  • The pediment is the crate, its protruding ends.

Before the filing of the cornice, all the protruding ends of the rafters, filly are trimmed exactly, keeping a distance. They are fastened by a board for strapping, on top of which the frontal is nailed. Usually the last fastening element is metal, but it can be wooden, treated with a special protective compound.

A gutter is mounted on the frontal board along the eaves.

When making a gable overhang, we align the protruding parts of the crate. To the edges, the ridge beam, we beat the end board, which at the finish is covered with finishing roofing material.


In the photo you can see the popular types of roof sheathing using a variety of material.All the numerous existing finishes ultimately boils down to two design methods:

  • Direct rafter;
  • Horizontal finish.

Direct filing of roof eaves - less troublesome, most light. It is important that the edges of the rafters are common, the roof has a small slope. Sealing - at the ends of the crate.

With a steep slope, horizontal edge decoration is performed. A wooden box is being built, which is attached to the ends of the rafters, to the surface of the wall. Using the bars of this design, mounted at different heights, make a slope for draining water.

In the process of filing the gable overhang, we ignore the design of the cornice. At the ends of the battens we attach the beams, on which we do the finishing.

Material classification

Each master, working with the roof, has his own concept of how to do it right. What type of work to perform at the facility. What is best used in a given situation.

The modern construction market offers the following set of roofing materials:

  • Making spotlights;
  • Use of OSB;
  • Upholstery with plywood;
  • The use of sheet steel;
  • Filing the roof with corrugated board;
  • Decoration with PVC panels;
  • Use of wooden lining;
  • Sheathing with a planed, edged board of coniferous species.

In the process of selecting material, we take into account the style of home design. The dark wood with which the external walls were insulated will not be in harmony with the snow-white lining used in the decoration of overhangs! Reasonable contrast is important.

All materials are sold per meter - 1 sq.m. is taken into account. In the process of making a decision on the decoration of the roof, we are guided by financial opportunities.

The cheapest simple option is covering the overhangs with a board treated with a special antiseptic compound. A little more expensive - the design of a wooden lining. Equally popular roof lining with waterproof siding.

An expensive, elite option is the decoration of overhangs with spotlights. Finishing with plywood, corrugated board - a little cheaper.

Working with spotlights is the easiest way to file a roof with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. This material is specifically designed for overhangs, designed for this type of work.

Spotlights are made of copper, steel, aluminum, plastic (vinyl). They have different colors. There are:

  • Triple
  • Double;
  • Single;
  • Solid;
  • Perforated.

Spotlights are convenient in that they can be selected for every taste, they can design any home. Working with them is straightforward. Planks are simply cut, fixed, assembled as a designer. As a result, the roof looks beautiful, elegant, stylish.

Errors during roofing.

Working with spotlights gives true pleasure to the masters of their craft. The simplicity of assembly attracts many non-professionals to the process of their active use. Based on popular mistakes made by them, we will give a number of useful recommendations:

  • We follow the installation process, we achieve accuracy in design.
  • Securely fix the soffit panels. We do not save on fasteners.Otherwise, a strong wind will disrupt the entire structure;
  • Binding is carried out after the installation of drains, at the end of the design, insulation of external walls;
  • We use stainless fasteners so that rust stains do not spoil the aesthetic appearance.
  • We observe the technological gap - we fasten the panels with indents.

Thus, decorating your home, making redecoration, you need to intelligently approach the choice of building material. Do not buy, for example, an excessively thin lining or a planed board unsuitable for technical parameters.

In the absence of experience, it is better not to learn from your mistakes yourself, to involve specialists in your field - builders, architects, designers, in the process of registration. This is the only way to make your home fashionable, stylish, elegant, and not spoil the expensive building material.

Photo of the roof hem

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