Crafts for the garden - ideas for beautiful and original decorations for the site (90 photos)

Rest at the dacha for everyone is associated in their own way. Someone grows fruits and vegetables, someone sunbathes in the sun, and for some people, a summer residence is a place to realize their creative potential. But after going to the store, the desire to decorate the garden often disappears, because the prices even for small accessories often bite. In this case, it is worth doing everything yourself.

Of course, the beautiful design of a summer cottage site with their own hands brings pleasure to the owner, attracts the attention of others.

What material to use?

When creating a decor for a personal plot with your own hands, you can also get rid of many unnecessary things. After all, many of those items that you have not been using for a long time will turn into an original garden decor.

As a basis for the implementation of their ideas, you can apply such items:

  • old tire;
  • broken furniture or vehicles;
  • unnecessary dishes, plastic bottles, glass jars;
  • household appliances;
  • pipes or fittings;
  • branches or logs.
  • worn shoes or clothes.

Before throwing away these things, look at what crafts for the garden and garden from them can turn out.

Distinctive features

Any hand-made articles for giving a house characterize the owner of the house. In addition, they have several other advantages.

The process of creating decorative elements captivates family members. Such classes in an interesting playful way teach children to hard work. Little helpers have a rich imagination, so they can enrich the arsenal of your ideas for arranging a garden.

A significant advantage of such creativity is its low cost. To create designer masterpieces, you can use any material that is convenient for you.

You can do only what is in the house, or you can visit a specialized store and purchase some additional materials. Here, everyone decides independently, focusing on the idea and the free amount of money.

Creating crafts from improvised tools is a great way to pass the time for an interesting lesson. The process of creativity always enriches a person with positive emotions, and also increases self-esteem. And your creation for a long time will delight not only households, but all guests.

Perhaps the most important advantage of this activity is speed. Indeed, to create such a decorating element, you do not need special knowledge and skills, it will not take much time.

All the necessary tools are available in the home of every housewife. You only need to decide on the necessary crafts, which will suit the style of your site, allocate a little time and apply imagination.

Decor plastic bottles

People who have experience in creating garden decor do not throw away plastic containers, but turn them into interesting figures. Bright birds, animals and plants made of plastic will become an original decoration for a personal plot, will make it more fun. To learn, just look at the photo crafts for giving and a description of them.

With the help of plastic bottles, various fences are created without much effort, dividing the space of a flower bed or garden, openwork curtains for the door, or a bird feeder. Such crafts perform not only a decorative function, they are also practical.

In addition, sculptures can be made from plastic containers that revive the infield, give it originality and beauty.

A five-liter brown bottle can easily create a decorative deer.To make such a craft for landscape design, cut off the neck of a large bottle and place a bottle and a half liters in the place of the cut so that its bottom is at the bottom. You can use self-tapping screws to connect parts.

Attach another liter bottle to the neck of the second bottle so that it is at right angles. This design should have the appearance of the body, neck and head of the animal. Feet for the animal are made of wooden slats. They need to be placed at the bottom of the bottle in previously prepared cuts.

Next, you need to cut out ears and tail from plastic and place them. At the final stage, the craft is painted with brown and white paint. Two wooden twigs will replace our animal's horns.

There are a huge number of options for such sculptures. Their popularity can be explained by practicality. When creating a figure, you can use different parts of the bottle. Due to the characteristics of plastic, such crafts for the flowerbed or garden are durable, serve for a long time.

The material is easy to cut, the elements can be connected in different ways: glue, stitch, screw. When creating plastic designs there are no restrictions in the color scheme. If you did not find the material of the desired shade, it can be painted.

Wooden crafts

No less popular are decorative crafts made of wood. Indeed, for residents of private houses and a summer resident it will not be difficult to find a suitable tree. The range of material is quite wide. You can create masterpieces from logs, branches, old stumps, boxes or unnecessary boards.

Wooden decorative elements have long been actively used in almost every area. Most sites have gazebos, benches, a children's swing and decorative fences on the territory. And the presence of original lamps, flowerpots or birdhouses will emphasize the style and sophistication of the landscape.

The second life of tires

Decorating elements from old tires are created quite simply. After all, this material is soft and easy to deform. Such crafts for the garden and garden serve as a fence, flower beds or paths. Tire swings, exclusive pieces of furniture, and rugs are created from tires.

Thanks to the durable and flexible material, the tire can turn into original flowerpots. Having created a beautiful figure of an animal or bird, plants are planted in it. Such flower beds are always attractive and interesting.

And since the material of the tires is quite resistant to moisture, other environmental factors, these crafts will please the eye for many years.

The process of creating decorative crafts is interesting and fascinating. It gives a person the opportunity to be creative. Therefore, regardless of the choice of shape and material, making decorative figures, you enjoy.

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We have a summer residence for a long time. But somehow somehow the line does not reach the decoration of his site. As usual, most of the time takes home improvement and a garden with a garden. But I also want the eye to rejoice. Very helpful article. Thanks for the ideas. It turns out that you can do so many different kinds of interesting things practically out of garbage at the cost of a minimum of effort and time. Take a note. And the kids will be interested, and getting rid of the trash, and the environment does not suffer.


My summer house appeared not so long ago, literally about 3 years ago. All these three years she was engaged in gardening, I wanted more flowers, fruit trees. Now, finally, I more or less understood the garden, and I thought about how to decorate all this in an original way. Before that, I used only old tires as a decoration. I really liked the idea with plastic bottles, since I have plenty of them, now it will be possible to use them in such an interesting way)


Loved all the ideas, without exception. Only you wonder how creative people are who will make a real sweet of any candy wrapper. I especially liked the cart, the hut on chicken legs and the artificial pond. But most of all I am delighted with the mill. As I saw, I immediately wanted to put this to our summer cottage. Now I will ask my husband to do


In my opinion, you can make original crafts for giving from anything, say, from an old car tire, stones, plastic bottles, etc. You can draw ideas from the Internet or trust your imagination. For example, I liked the idea of ​​a cart with flowers, even an old bathtub can be used 🙂 In general, the scope for creativity is unlimited.


This I successfully went to your article! The fact is that I am a beginner summer resident, a gardener. Now also a novice designer! Last year, they bought a summer cottage and have not yet equipped it. Here straight eyes run up, such a splendor of various crafts, straight masterpieces. Immediately I began to recall what I currently have on hand from materials. First I will take up the recycling of plastic bottles and containers, and old shoes. Piglets really liked, because the symbol of the year. And the scarecrow is simply charming, of course, no one will be afraid, but it will be able to delight the country atmosphere. Now my site will be the best, in this I… More details »

Dmitriy Sergeevich

I personally do not like crafts made of plastic, bottles, car tires. In my opinion, this spoils the view of the site and looks very cheap. Another thing - crafts made of wood. I have a whole zoo living on my site from animals that I cut myself. A plywood dog sits on the porch railing, an owl from a single piece of wood is located on a bird cherry. By the summer I am doing Grandfather Mazay and a family of hares from thick birch branches, the boat will also be from a thin birch trunk. Another wife wants to make the Alpine slide itself with plants and stones - this is only in our plans.


I completely agree with Dmitry Sergeyevich! Plastic bottles, tires, computer disks are horrible. It looks cheap and not at all pretty. If not to talk about finished jewelry, then wooden sculptures and stones look organically, and, strangely enough, I saw interesting animals welded from metal pipes. But they were not painted in wild colors and were decorated with plants.


I always wondered where people got so much imagination from.How many cool gizmos for the garden and playground can be made from unnecessary things. In our courtyard we made a swan from a large plastic bottle, wire and putty, it looks great on the flowerbed. From the outside, everything is easy and beautiful, but the hands themselves do not reach. I caught fire again and decided to try. I'll start with flowers from disposable spoons.


Cool ideas :) And the truth is, you can do crafts from anything, even from old unnecessary things and accessories. By the way, I did similar ones, in my country house there are pigs, frogs and bunnies from big bottles under the bushes, it looks funny. Now I want to decorate flower beds with colored stones, well, or make flowers from small bottles) Let's see what happens)


I agree with the previous answer, of course, the painted tires and plastic bottles have no place on the site. In my opinion, crafts from saw cuts of an old tree, turned wooden figures of animals look very organically on the site. Well, my personal love is vintage bicycles with flower baskets. I immediately recall childhood, my father’s bike and I are in the trunk and we go to the garden along a country road ...


As a teacher, I am very interested in the topic of crafts in general. Tires are a separate issue ... so many interesting, beautiful things can be built. I liked the idea with a mini sandbox. Palm trees from plastic bottles also look very original. I also like crafts from old things: shoes, a bicycle, a suitcase ... there is so much that can be done if only there is a desire and imagination.


Very interesting ideas, thank you very much! How wonderful it is to give things a second life, and not to take them to a landfill. Be sure to use your advice when decorating your summer cottage. Now the summer season is just beginning and, I think, many of your advice will be very helpful. And especially to those who have kids. After all, you can fantasize with them and make cartoon characters! And it seems to me that the crafts made of wood and stone will look especially harmonious. In general, who has enough imagination)