Annual flowers - bright, unpretentious and flowering plants all summer (100 photos)

Colored paints always cheer up, so the owners of private houses and cottages decorate their plots with flower beds and flower beds. Indeed, a variety of flowers blooming all summer, delight the eye and the owner, and others. Colorful plantations transform your garden, revive it. And thanks to the use of annual flowers, you can change the appearance of your site annually, experiment with the size, shape and location of the flower beds.

And the abundance of types of flowers that is available in any store for gardeners allows you to choose suitable options for even the most demanding landscape designers.

How to make a flower bed?

Annual flowers are more convenient for landscaping than perennials. With their help, flower stands of the most various forms are easily created, which create interesting and luxurious landscapes on the plots. How to plant them?

Most often, the following types of plantations form only a year from flowering plants:

  • flower bed;
  • modular flower garden;
  • mixborder.


A flower bed is a plant composition that has a clear outline of its shape and borders. The classic form of a flower bed is a circle, square or rhombus, but other shapes can be used if desired.

When creating flower beds from annual flowers for giving, it is allowed to use a variety of types of plants. In this case, the ornament is created only on one plane.

Modular flower garden

Recently, the arrangement of modular flower beds has become increasingly popular. This name refers to a variety of flower beds when plants are planted in containers. Such compositions look quite impressive and original.

It is allowed to use any containers, their size and shape you determine yourself. An important advantage of a modular flower garden is mobility. Due to what different flower containers can be used to form different compositions, transfer them to another place in whole or in part.

It is worth noting that for modular compositions exclusively blooming annual flowers are used.


Mixborders are a kind of flower beds in several levels. Often plants are planted in blocks. It is important to choose the types of flowers so that the blocks have different heights and colors. In such a multi-level composition, at the end of the flowering period of one species, the second comes in its place.

Mixborders are actively used by landscape designers, because they look spectacular, much more interesting than the usual flower beds.

Choosing the right varieties

Any catalog of annual flowers offers a fairly wide selection of seeds for every taste. But if you decide to add several annual crops to the perennial inhabitants of your flower bed, or to form a fully blooming planting from these plants, you need to know the important nuances that will help you make the right choice.

When buying seeds, you need to pay attention to three main factors:

  • during what period does flowering occur;
  • places for landing;
  • color assortment.

Annual varieties often have a fairly long flowering period. But at the same time, each flower ripens at the appointed time. Early flowering spring varieties include petunia, begonia, and pelargonium. With the onset of June, cornflower, marigolds, and marigold will open the buds.

So that your garden is full of colors until late autumn, it is better to give preference to asters, snapdragons, calendula.These plants are quite hardy and will delight the eye until the arrival of the first frost.

An important aspect when choosing the necessary varieties is determining the place where they will grow. After all, each flower has its own characteristics (straight, like bushes or curly) and the height of the stems.

When decorating front gardens, choose undersized varieties of flowers (marigolds, nasturtium, cornflowers). They rise very slightly above the surface of the soil, therefore they create the effect of a bright living rug.

To ennoble fences, gazebos and other vertical surfaces, cultures that climb well are needed. The ideal choice for this purpose will be varieties of decorative curly beans, sweet peas or morning glory.

To fill the container for a modular flower garden, choose flowers that have bushy stems, for example, petunias, begonias, geraniums. Several of these flowers will fill the entire surface of the container.

Remember that the annual flower is very fond of the sun. Therefore, when planning their placement, choose places that are as open as possible for sunlight.

To flower beds and other flower plantings look perfect, you need to choose the right color scheme. This aspect needs to be thought out in advance, and after looking at the photos of annual flowers in the catalog, choose the right ones. Remember that excessive variegation will not be a plus, all shades should be combined harmoniously.

Varieties of undersized annuals

Low-growing flowers are those whose stem height does not exceed thirty centimeters. Such cultures are particularly elegant. Most often, the seeds of annual flowers of "small stature" are sown between the tall bushes of perennial varieties (roses, lilies) in order to hide the empty soil.

If necessary, decorate the rockery, rock garden and other decorative elements of the landscape should give preference to the most undersized representatives of flowering plants.

The ideal choice is Iberis, which blooms throughout the summer with graceful white clouds. This category also includes nemophiles of a light blue color, night violets with a bright and strong aroma, as well as a dwarf viola.

If you need beautiful, but unpretentious flowers, pay attention to silver cellosia, phlox, lobelia and forget-me-nots.

Medium and high grades

Flowers with a stem length of up to eighty centimeters are considered average height. Often the names of annual flowers of this category are found in recommendations for creating the basis of a mixed flower bed and other flowering plantings.

Their assortment, perhaps the widest, includes such crops as poppies, antirinnum, verbena, salvia. Extraordinarily beautiful, as well as unpretentious in care, are Mattiola, esholtzia, cosmea.

High flowers will also look spectacular in general compositions. These include plants one and a half meters long. To add originality to the mixborder will be able to add dahlias, amaranth, fragrant tobacco, aruncus, datura.

You can decorate the green lawn with delphinium and mallow. These plants look perfect in "solo" plantings, or as filling the background of the flowerbed.

Annual flowers are actively used to create various landscape compositions. You can plant their seeds directly in the soil, and if earlier flowering is necessary, it is better to take seedlings. But remember that you need to select them in accordance with each other so that the resulting composition is harmonious.

Photo of annual flowers

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It is very simple to give the courtyard a cozy and attractive look. A small flower garden by the path and an alpine slide on the lawn behind the house will create a unique charm of a country cottage.