Tree processing - an overview of the main stages and the progress of work depending on the season (110 photos)

Fruits grown in your own garden are the best source of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the owners of cottages and household plots equip gardens with many varieties of trees. But in order to collect a rich and high-quality crop, the garden needs careful maintenance.

Without fail, in early spring, gardeners process trees from various diseases and pests. Such a procedure should be carried out regularly, requires certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to process the trees with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists.

The entire volume of work is divided into two main stages - spring and autumn. At each stage, certain procedures for plants are provided. Spring work should begin with the arrival of the first warm days, immediately after the snow melts.

Previously, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and inspect the condition of the garden in order to determine the necessary types of work for this season.

Spring work

The first sprayings begin to be done in the early spring, before the buds begin to bloom. Before processing the garden, all dead branches are necessarily cut, the territory is cleaned of dry leaves, because many larvae and insects winter there.

The next item is the whitewashing of the trunks of all the trees on the site. Thanks to this procedure, the bark of the tree of eating by many representatives of the fauna is protected, and also prevents the appearance of a burn from prolonged exposure to sunlight (especially true for seedlings).

To prepare the solution you will need slaked lime, which has insecticides in its composition, and ordinary PVA glue.

After raising the air temperature above five degrees Celsius, trees are sprayed from a small pest (aphids, tinnitsa, weevil, apple blossoms). The procedure should be carried out immediately, while the insects have low activity.

To spray the garden, a solution is prepared from one hundred grams of copper sulfate and ten liters of warm water. For this purpose, you can use iron sulfate, it will need about three hundred grams per bucket of warm water.

A mixture of vitriol and hydrated soda (ratio - 300 grams per 600 grams) has the same effect. It is available in specialized stores and is called Bordeaux Liquid.

Processing trees with vitriol will prevent the development of fungal infections, scab, rot and other troubles. When lime is added, bark protection against insect damage is guaranteed. Using these procedures, trees also get copper, which allows them to be fed.

Autumn procedures

At the end of the harvest, the autumn stage of garden care begins. In the winter, plants are highly susceptible to diseases, suffer from pests.

To protect them from the harmful effects and ensure a good harvest in the coming year, it is necessary to process the trees from pests. Thanks to such actions, you will help plants survive the cold season without prejudice.

In winter, many insects in search of heat settle in fallen leaves and bark. Pruning a tree, as well as digging the soil around the trunk, will help get rid of most of these guests.

Pests that are in the middle of the cortex can be eliminated by whitewashing. It is recommended to do this procedure closer to the end of October. First remove the old bark and lichens, then the pests will not have where to hide.

Doing such a procedure on young trees is only with the help of hands. If the tree is older than six years, you can use metal brushes.Such a brush can cause damage to the cortex.

Damaged places are treated with garden putties, or specialized whitewash, which includes insecticides. This means not only adult insects are destroyed, it also kills larvae and pupae.

Cleaning the bark of fruit trees must be carried out regularly. In the opposite case, the upper layer of the cortex and other outgrowths of it do not turn into nurseries of harmful microorganisms and insects. An excess of such inhabitants contributes to the fact that the spring growing season is significantly delayed.

Immediately after the retreat of winter, trees begin to attack various diseases (putrefactive disease, scab, fungi). To prevent these troubles, trees are re-treated in late autumn.

How to spray?

The drugs that process plants are conditionally divided into destructive and prophylactic substances. Since there are quite a few types of pests, one remedy will not be able to protect your garden from all of them.

Often spraying is done in stages by several means. If you are doing such procedures for the first time, you can learn even by viewing only photos of the processing of trees.

Experienced gardeners have their own favorite recipes for the preparation of protective products. Among the popular products are vitriol-based mixtures. A double effect boasts a mixture of vitriol with urea. To prepare it, you need to dissolve copper sulfate (fifty grams) and urea (seven hundred grams) in ten liters of water.

The main advantage of this solution is complete safety. They can abundantly water both the plant and the soil adjacent to it.

The remedy is effective against scab spores on trees such as apple, pear, plum, apricot, cherry, quince. In addition, it fights against sulfur rot in the fields of strawberries, chlorosis in grapes, septoria and anthracnose in bushes of currants and gooseberries.

A mixture of vitriol and urea will protect the leaves of fruit trees from curls, prevents coccomycosis, kleasteroporosis, moniliosis, rust, purple spotting. She also expels pests that feed on the sap and buds of the tree.

To water the soil near bushes and trees, as well as beds, use the same solution. Ten square meters of land will require at least three liters of the mixture.

Another popular method among gardeners is how to process prolific trees, while not spending money on expensive funds. In early spring, you can spray the garden with ordinary diesel fuel. She breaks the plants with a dense film, under which all larvae and pests will die.

Thanks to this method, even the annoying bark beetle is eliminated. To do this, you need at least three such sprayings. But make sure that diesel fuel does not get on the soil, because it will do a lot of harm.

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