Unpretentious flowers for the garden: tips for choosing beautiful plants for beginners (120 photos)

Many believe that creating a flowering and neat garden, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Often, many of us travel out of town to relax and spend free time with family and friends. And how nice it is when during a conversation or a vacation you are surrounded by beautiful and bright flower beds with flowers!

Currently, you can create a chic garden with unpretentious flowers for the garden, which do not create unnecessary trouble. But do not think that such flowers are less attractive. On the contrary, there is a large selection of beautiful flowers of various colors.

It is only necessary to choose them correctly, taking into account seasonality, place of planting and flowering conditions. If you plan everything correctly, the flowering garden will delight you until late autumn.

Ways to Decorate the Garden

There is a huge selection of plants that do not take much time to care. But before choosing them, we decide how they will be planted. Let's consider some ways:

Creating a flower garden. The flower garden is a site on which flowers and ornamental plants grow. Several types of flower beds can be distinguished - these are flower beds, mixborders, rabatka, and front gardens.

To keep the flower garden happy for a long time, it is recommended to take perennial flowers as a basis. To give freshness and novelty, you can plant annual plants every year. When creating a flower garden, it is best to use open space.

Use of the lawn. If you plant a grass lawn, the first time you will need to take care of it. But there is still a Moorish lawn, which consists of delicate field plants. Such a lawn looks quite worthy.

Use of hedges. Decorative shrubs look attractive in the garden. But it is better to choose plants that do not need regular haircuts.

Vertical gardening. With such landscaping, climbing plants are used. They give a beautiful appearance to vertical structures and help to hide minor defects in the structure. Girl's grapes are well suited for such gardening.

Unpretentious bulbous plants

Bulb plants begin to delight us from the first days of spring. Such flowers are easy to plant and they are great for the garden.

Lilies These are beautiful and delicate flowers, characterized by abundant flowering. They do not require much attention to themselves; bulbs can grow up to 5 years without transplantation. For planting, it is recommended to choose sunny places protected from blowing.

Tulips Flowers begin to bloom in May and June. The hearts of many gardeners have conquered the hearts of many gardeners with their beauty and varied colors. Tulips can grow on any soil; they are easy to care for.

Daffodils. Beautiful and fragile spring plants. White or yellow flowers have a pleasant aroma. Well adapt anywhere in the landing.

Crocuses A pretty undersized plant, blooms in spring, but there are also varieties that bloom in autumn. You can plant in the sun or partial shade. Digging crocuses for the winter each year is optional.

Muscari. This plant is also called viper onion or mouse hyacinth. These are miniature and fragile flowers. Prefers to grow in a sunny place. Look great in rockeries, flower beds, and also use flowers for distillation.

Gladioli. Popular flowers in summer cottages. There is a wide variety of varieties that vary in color, shape, flowering time. This proud flower needs a lot of sun and an even place, sheltered from the winds.

Pushkinia.Many people call this plant dwarf hyacinth, since the flowers are similar to each other. They grow well in borders, on lawns and flower beds.

Colchicum. Refers to flowering perennials. The plant blooms in late autumn, people call it "autumn color". Later, their flowering and unpretentious blooming flowers attract gardeners.

Having planted these flowers in the spring, you can forget about the troubles above us, because the plant feels much better if you do not disturb it. It is worth growing carefully, in all its parts contains a toxic substance.

So that onion flowers always delight us and do not cause trouble, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting.

Perennials in the garden

Perennials are good because they do not need to be grown annually with seeds or bulbs. Having planted once, every year we will observe their transformation for the better, because every year such plants grow and increase in volume. Perfect for a beginner grower or a person who has little free time.

Primrose. This beautiful perennial plant attracts gardeners with a variety of varieties and colors. It begins to bloom in early spring.

Aquilegia. It is considered an elegant and unpretentious plant. It blooms from May to August. Feels best when growing in partial shade on moist soils. It is used in flower beds and flower beds, as well as near ponds. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Astilba. Perennial herbaceous plant. Flowers are collected in a racemose inflorescence, can have a variety of colors and sizes. Astilba is resistant to diseases and pests. It blooms in the summer months.

Chamomile and feverfew. Ornamental perennial plant. Does not need much care. It blooms long and magnificent.

Pion. A powerful perennial plant with a pleasant aroma. It blooms in spring, in one place without transplantation can grow for several decades.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you can see photos of unpretentious flowers in flower catalogs and on the Internet.

Unpretentious annuals

Among the annual plants, there are also worthy flowers for giving, which will require minimal care.

Petunias. The plant has many shapes and colors. Depending on the variety, blooms profusely from May to October. Great for decorating flower beds, borders, balconies and windows.

Nasturtium. A herbaceous plant with bright colors. It blooms until late autumn. Prefers sunny landing sites. Looks great along fences and walls, under bushes.

Marigold. Plants grow from June to frost. The flowers are characterized by abundant flowering. They do not particularly need care.

Aster. A wonderful annual plant with a variety of colors. Asters delight us with their flowering every fall. Caring for them is not difficult.

What are the most unpretentious flowers - it's hard to say for sure. Each of us has different tastes and ideas about beauty. We examined the most popular types of plants that are in demand and do not cause difficulties in care.

Photo unpretentious flowers for the garden

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How great everything is, thanks for such beauty. Flower beds in the country - this is the decoration of any site. Beautifully selected and planted according to the rules of the composition will delight with its colors and beauty.