Bridges for a summer residence - decorative and stylish designs. 90 photos and design tips

A trip to the country is one of the most enjoyable forms of relaxation with family and friends. Our population is gradually moving away from the stereotype that the cottage is intended exclusively for growing potatoes. Therefore, the owners of country houses are increasingly formalizing their possessions in accordance with the latest trends in landscape design.

Having equipped even a small non-standard flowerbed, you can qualitatively draw attention to the site. If you are lucky and there is a stream or a small pond in the territory of a country house, this is an ideal place for installing a decorative bridge. The presence of such a design element will transform the garden, bring originality and brightness to the overall picture.

Where to install?

The initial task of the bridge was to connect the banks of the river or the abyss, to help overcome this obstacle in the path of man. But today the functions of garden bridges are completely different.

Such structures are used to highlight some areas in the garden, decorative decoration. Therefore, before choosing the necessary design, you need to decide exactly what its purpose will be and which zones to connect with it.

Most people believe that the garden bridge is only suitable for a site with a large area, and they are very mistaken. If you choose the right style and material, such a decorative element will fit perfectly in a small garden.

A bridge can be installed not only over a natural or artificial water source. Designers often use the “dry stream” technique for this. Such a decorative element can be located on the path, extend it or simplify an uncomfortable place for a pedestrian.

The bridge can look very organic and stylish in any area. To do this, pre-select a good location and design of the structure, which will be in harmony with the general style of the site. For example, if you organized a rock garden, give preference to a simple and elegant Japanese bridge.

For a large area with many trees, a large wooden bridge is ideal, it can be decorated with carvings. If there is a reservoir in the territory, you can add a bridge by building a small gazebo at its end. This place is guaranteed to be the most beloved for your household.

Construction principles

When building a bridge, observe the proportions. There should be sufficient distance between it and the surrounding objects. After installing a small decorative structure next to large trees or garden structures, it will be lost.

The path leading from the bridge should lead to the planting of trees or flowers. The location of the bridge on one side, and a flowering island on the other, will advantageously divide the space. The garden bridge itself can also be decorated. Plant a bush of climbing roses or grapes near it, such an element will add to the overall picture of sophistication and romance.

Style features

On the site where the pond of irregular shape is located, the bridge must be placed in its narrowest place. Thus, it is possible to allocate a swimming zone, or a shallow place.

In a regular style, it is appropriate to place a bridge in the middle of an oval or rectangular pond. This technique focuses on rigor, since it divides the landscape symmetrically.

In areas that are decorated in Japanese style, the presence of a decorative bridge is a prerequisite. Indeed, for representatives of this oriental culture, contemplation of the landscape is equated with meditation.

But before you make a Japanese bridge in the country yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the theory of oriental culture and the design features of this country.

In a country house decorated in the style of a village, building a bridge with your own hands will be very simple. To do this, you can use any materials at hand: logs, boards or branches. It will be appropriate to make the railing from a carved baluster, if the rest of the buildings on the site are made in the style of a tower.

And fans of the avant-garde style are recommended asymmetric bridges, painted in bright colors. Such a decorative element gives the general atmosphere of originality, creates a festive atmosphere.

What material to choose?

Since bridges are used as an additional decor, the material for them needs to be selected accordingly with the general style. Piles, supports, railings and flooring can be built from any building materials, most importantly - they must be strong enough.

The most successful material for the construction of such a structure is wood. They are in perfect harmony with the landscape, and also very practical. If necessary, wooden parts are much easier to replace with new ones, in contrast to concrete or iron structures.

For piles, you should buy cedar, larch or pine. Due to the ability of these types of trees to secrete natural resin, they are more durable and will last more than fifty years. It is better to use oak for flooring. Oak planks are durable, resistant to deformation, and moisture, which is especially important for a bridge over a pond.

Remember that wooden street structures require special care. So that the wood does not crack, does not overgrow with fungi, it must be treated with specialized tools at least twice a year.

For processing, you can purchase a smear, an antiseptic, or use a natural antiseptic agent - linseed oil. Yacht varnish will help protect the structure from exposure to high humidity. For safety, anti-slip notches or overlays are made on the flooring of the bridge.

Construction stages

After you have looked at a lot of photos of bridges for a summer residence and decided which one you need, you can start creating it. The initial stage in the construction of any structure is the creation of a reliable foundation - the foundation. To do this, you need durable wooden boards, the width of which should be at least twelve centimeters, and a thickness of at least six.

Depending on the size of the bridge, the required length of the foundation is determined. Experts recommend making the foundation forty centimeters longer. This will simplify the process of securing the bridge.

Direct garden bridges are not particularly popular. Rounded constructions look more elegant on the site. The effect of roundness is given by using boards of the necessary shape. You can also place the structure on a raised platform and build steps on both sides.

Building material is pre-prepared. Boards must be sanded with a planer, sanding paper. It is better to mount a wooden structure on a horizontal surface, and then install it in the right place.

Photo of bridges for a summer residence

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