Cultivator for the garden: tips for choosing the best mechanism and the main varieties of machines (80 photos)

Who has a summer cottage or a summer cottage is probably familiar with such an aggregate as a cultivator. Those who have just recently bought a cottage or moved to their own home with a garden can already begin to study what it is.

What is a cultivator and why is it needed?

So, a cultivator is a machine that is used in agriculture. Its purpose is to cultivate the land with special cutters. It is possible to equip it with attachments.

Each model has its own performance, which depends on the cultivator engine, as well as on the working width. Used for soil cultivation.

Choose the cultivator correctly

What you need to know before buying a cultivator directly? We remember that this is a specialized technique that is designed to facilitate agricultural work for a person and help him save time.

Therefore, focusing simply on a photo of a cultivator for a summer residence is not worth it. You need to know and understand why you need it.

Cultivators have different purposes:

  • They cultivate the soil by continuous cultivation simultaneously harrowing the earth;
  • They do row-rowing, if necessary, feed the fertile level;
  • Prepare the land for sowing, additionally level the soil, remove weeds, loosen the land cover;
  • Universal cultivators - carry out cultivation in all directions.

Cultivators can span one row or be multi-row.

The weight of such units can vary depending on the destination - the lightest are designed to work in small areas, the heaviest are equipped with a powerful engine and can be equipped with additional devices.

If you decide to purchase a cultivator for your use, be sure to hold it in your hands to make sure that you are comfortable holding it.

All control handles should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, not deliver any amenities. Handles should be made of rough material, this will allow the cultivator not to slide in your hands.

Controls - it should run without any problems. Some models are additionally equipped with special protective discs, which are located on the edge of the shaft.

A high-quality cultivator (it does not matter, manual, electric cultivator) will serve you for a long time and reliably. Such models have strong structures, and cultivator manufacturers usually guarantee the build quality of their machines.

Drive types

  • Hand cultivators.
  • Motocultivators.
  • Which can be connected to tractors.

Motocultivators - its main purpose: land cultivation. A more functional model due to the fact that it can be equipped with a large number of attachments.

Electric cultivators are equipped with two-stroke or four-stroke internal combustion engines. The best in performance (in time and quality) is considered a model with a four-stroke power unit. Moreover, such models are considered the most economical.

A variety of nozzles are included in the set of cultivators, the most common of them are a plow, a plane cutter and a hiller. As an additional detail - this is a potato digger. Often it is rarely used, as it plunges to a sufficient depth.

The thing you need may be a plow with an aerator for the lawn.There are nozzles that allow you to cut garden debris into small fragments - this is a shredder and rotary mower.

Manual cultivators - it is difficult to refuse them. They are good for places where it will be difficult for large units to pass - this is a flower garden with intricate paths, a small line near the fence, an alpine hill.

Despite the fact that beautiful flowers often grow in such places, they also need to be periodically “slowed down”, saturating the soil with additional oxygen. Manual models do not damage the root system of plants.

The definite answer is which cultivator is probably better. Modern manufacturers offer a variety of models with different mounted designs, for every taste and budget.

Light models have a small grip, the cultivator processing depth is only 20 centimeters. They can have an electric drive or run on gasoline.

The lightest models are equipped with an electric drive, have a power of up to 3 horsepower. With such easy options for cultivators, a woman and even a teenager will cope. The disadvantages include the presence of a wire, which is very easy to cut during operation.

Small models quickly cope with a plot of up to 10 acres. They have more plowing depth, they are able to capture an area of ​​up to 40 cm in one move. Gas cultivators are more expensive than their electric counterparts.

Unfortunately, electrics require constant voltage and an extension cord. This is not always convenient. It is also worth remembering that in wet weather it is undesirable to use them.

Medium models are designed for use with a strong floor. It will be difficult for a woman to cope with them. They are mainly used in large areas that require effective loosening of the soil. It is allowed to use other tools with this model. The weight of the average cultivator can reach up to 48 kilograms.

For processing standard 6 hundredths of a summer cottage, an ideal option would be a small cultivator model. Unfortunately, he is not capable of anything more than weeding and spring preparation of the soil. If you have a difficult terrain on the site - give preference to a light model.

Rules for using the cultivator

Almost all cultivator options are the same in the principles of their operation. You need to connect and refuel the unit, put it in the place where you want to start work and turn it on. Next, you push the device forward, gradually moving towards the end of your goal.

Remember that rushing and excessive pressure on the device is not recommended. The cultivator is able to dig the soil onto 1.5 shovel tips.

If you find that the cultivator is stuck in the soil - slightly swing it from side to side. Do not let it out of your hands - hold it tight. Do not overheat it.

In the case of using a gasoline variant - do not use a mixture that has stood for a long time. This will help extend the life of the cultivator motor.

Tips for choosing a cultivator

  • Try to explore the market for cultivator manufacturers.
  • In the case of buying a heavy, powerful device - give preference to wheels without cameras. Wheels with cameras can bleed air, so you have to constantly pump out.
  • Choose engine oil from engine recommendations.
  • Pay attention to the quality of additional accessories for your model of cultivator. If they are of poor quality, it is better to abandon such a model.
  • After a long break in work - the device must be warmed up well at idle.

Modern cultivators for summer cottages can significantly save time and effort of a working person. It will not matter what size your site is.

Today, manufacturers offer models for different sizes of the site, with different capacities and different mounted accessories.

Photo of a cultivator for a summer residence

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