Roofing materials - an overview of modern types, as well as their advantages. 97 photos of the best materials for a modern roof

The roof is an integral part of any home. In the choice of roofing material, it is important to consider all the features, disadvantages and advantages. Different types of roofing materials are designed for different types of houses and weather conditions. Therefore, before purchasing roofing material, it is recommended to carefully study the options on the market.

Types of material for roofing

Absolutely all houses are covered with a roof. In its manufacture, a variety of materials are used, each of which is designed for a certain type of roof and building. Some of them are used only in the arrangement of country houses and cottages, while others - in the design of utility buildings.

In order to choose a roofing material for home decoration, you should carefully study the characteristics of its various types.

By the type of component used in the production, the following types of roofing materials are distinguished:

  • organic
  • inorganic;
  • metal.

In the production of the first type, bitumen and polymer components are used. Bituminous materials for roofing up to twenty five years. Among the significant disadvantages are fast burning and instability to sunlight. As for polymers, they provide a longer service life (up to 70 years) and resistance to high temperatures.

In this regard, inorganic components are much more attractive due to their high resistance to decay and fire. However, mineral components are susceptible to spoilage due to frequent and sudden changes in temperature.

Clay components and moisture-absorbing slate are usually present in materials. Temperature differences destroy these components, which ultimately leads to a violation of the roof structure.

Among the main metals used in the manufacture of the base material for roofing, there are:

  • galvanized steel;
  • zinc titanium;
  • copper;
  • aluminum.

The metal roof is the most durable and durable. The cost of material for such a roof is certainly rather big, but the service life is higher, and the characteristics of resistance to weather conditions and temperature extremes are better.

Among the features of copper and titanium is the formation of a greenish patina on the surface over time, which gives a certain originality to the exterior of the house. The minus of the metal roof is one - noise from wind, rain and hail.

In addition to the components of the roofing material, it is important to consider the type of building. Its purpose directly affects the roofing material.

The market is really diverse and offers such options for roofing materials:

  • folded;
  • piece;
  • leafy;
  • bulk;
  • soft.

Important! Each of the listed species has several subspecies. The assortment of goods is wide and therefore is distributed into groups for easier orientation in the product and its selection.

As for waterproofing roofing materials, they are highly waterproof. There are various types: mastic, rolled, piece, etc. The material is based on bitumen or polymers.

There are certain standards in the production of waterproofing materials, such as: heat resistance, water resistance, elasticity, etc. The range of such materials is wide and when choosing it is necessary to build on the needs and type of building.

Soft roof

When installing the roof, the weight of the material is very important. A seemingly light roofing sheet weighing four kilograms, in the total mass of the coating can overload the rafter system.However, if you plan to install a roof with your own hands, then pay attention to materials that have not only a light construction, but also a simple installation system (processing, cutting, repair).

Possesses all these characteristics soft roof. Such material is quite popular and you have probably seen photos of such roofing materials on the net more than once or seen houses with a similar roof live.

Among the advantages can be identified:

  • Resistance to external environmental aggressors, such as: temperature changes, wind, moisture.
  • High durability.
  • Easy installation.
  • Installation of roofing on complex roofs without organization of preparatory measures.
  • No noise.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Long service life (up to fifteen years).


Metal tile is very popular among owners of private houses, because it has several advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • high strength;
  • varnished coating, providing surface protection;
  • resistance to external aggressors.

Of course, the operation of this type of roof is accompanied by noise. The basis of the coating is a sheet of steel with a thickness of up to 0.5 mm.

The varnish coating prevents the formation of damage from small pebbles and branches, which under the influence of wind fall on the roof and leave small dents and scratches.

In addition, they can damage the paint. Varnishing eliminates the risk of damage and corrosion, which is formed when moisture gets on damaged areas.

Under the varnish coating are layers of soil and aluminum. Finished products are light. This greatly simplifies the transportation and installation of the structure. The average weight of one square meter of metal is from three to five kg.


The popularity of the seam roof is growing faster. This is due to the high reliability of the coating, resistance to external environmental aggressors and good quality.

Important! A similar type of roof is popular in the construction of classic Russian houses. Currently actively used in restoration work.

The folded materials for the roof are made according to a special technology using unusual seams formed as a result of joining the elements of the roof. There are several types:

  • single;
  • standing;
  • double;
  • speed bumps.

Important! Roofing material used in the manufacture of rolled roofing materials for roof waterproofing is not fire resistant.

Any of the described options has pluses and minuses. In order to find out which roofing material is better, find out the features and areas of application and compare them with your needs, preferences and finances.

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