Bird feeder - 120 photos and building instructions and the main types of komushki

In winter, birds have a hard time finding food. In winter and at any other time of the year, a bird feeder with your own hands will be an excellent help for feathered friends in the fight against hunger. It is easy to build it from improvised materials.

General rules for making a feeder

To perform the "bird's dining" will not need special materials. It is important to select them so that:

  • The feeder was convenient for birds, it was easy to get food from it.
  • The lid and sides should keep the food from the wind, moisture: wet grain is quickly covered with mold, life-threatening birds.
  • The material for the feeder must be selected moisture resistant so that it is not soft in the rain or snow.
  • It is important that the walls, corners were not sharp and could not injure the bird.
  • It is better to make a feeder of small sizes: then large birds of prey will not take care of food.

It’s better to hang the feeder on a tree or attach it to the wall so that cats can’t get to the birds, and serve the “dining room”, adding grains was convenient: approximately at a height of 150-160 cm.

It is advisable that the feeder always hangs in the same place: birds get used to finding their dinner, therefore, deciding to help feathered friends, constantly make sure that the container is not empty.

What can be made a bird feeder

A variety of ideas for feeders can be gleaned from the Internet or come up with yourself. The simplest feeder can be made from a box or a bag of juice.

It is not the appearance of the “dining room” that matters to birds, but the convenience and availability of fresh food, especially in cold, frosty winters.

From juice packaging

On the opposite sides of the tetra-pack, you need to cut holes, slightly stepping back from the bottom so that the feed does not spill out of the feeder, it is not blown away by gusts of wind. Strengthen the edges of the cut out window with a band-aid, then the bird will not get hurt on the edge of the window.

Make a “perch”: under the window, pierce the through hole with scissors, insert a rolled-up cardboard or paper.

Make holes in the upper part and pull the cord or wire to hang the feeder. If you attach it to a tree trunk, the wind will not swing it, the food will not crumble.

From a plastic bottle

A bottle feeder is easy. Here are some simple designs:

Opposite each other, on both sides of the bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, windows are cut - round, rectangular, in the form of an arch. Seal the bottom edge with something soft so that the bird does not hurt the paws.

Make a through hole under the window and insert the perch stick. If the hole is made rectangular, you can not cut through the upper part, but bend it - you get a small canopy.

Hopper Feeder. Take 2 bottles of the same volume. In one, cut holes, as in the previous version, cut the upper third.

At the second bottle, you need to make several holes in the neck area so that grain can pour through them. With a bottleneck, lower this bottle into the first container after the feed has been poured and the cap has been wrapped.

A large-capacity feeder can be made from a 5-liter plastic bottle according to a similar principle. In a large bottle, do not cut the neck, but make large holes through which the birds will fly into the feeder.

Fill a 1.5-liter bottle with grain, make several holes near the lid and place the bottle inside a large one, after turning it over.

Wooden bird feeders and houses

For a long time, a wooden feeder will serve. Make it easy, you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden blocks.

A simple drawing of a bird feeder can be done independently or found on the Internet. To assemble a structure, which is a small box made of plywood and bars, two racks and a roof on them, is not difficult. If desired, the feeder can be "ennobled": painted in any color.

The decoupage feeder will look spectacular. Any pattern can be transferred with glue and napkins, and then varnished. Such a “dining room” for birds will not only feed the birds, but will also become a decoration of a garden or park.

Making a birdhouse

With the advent of spring, the garden is filled with cheerful twittering. To observe a cheerful bird clutter, make a house for them. You can make a birdhouse with your own hands using ready-made patterns or by making them yourself.

For different types of birds, the sizes will differ, albeit slightly. But this will need to be taken into account when you think about who the house is for.

Be sure to make sure that the mustachioed cat and cat hunters are unable to reach their chicks in the birdhouse with their paw. To do this, they usually make an extended roof of the birdhouse so that the cat does not reach the taphole with its paw.

Another option is to make a protective belt from tin strips or “brooms”. Distances must be maintained, then the animals will not catch prey. In addition, hanging a birdhouse, try to find a place to place it so that there are no knots or other supports nearby.

You need to hang a birdhouse at a height of 2.5-3 meters, preferably - away from busy places. Starlings will settle in your house, if he looks with a “window” to the south.

Fancy bird feeders

Original bird feeders can be made from anything. Old mugs hung on a tree with the help of decorative chains will decorate the garden, become an element of landscape design and feed the birds not only in winter but also in summer.

The bird feeders shown in the photo are made of a variety of materials:

From a simple shoe box, you can make a feeding trough in two floors: connect the container itself and the inverted lid to each other with pieces of cord at four corners, and then hang it from a tree. If you wrap the lid with waterproof material and place it on top, even during rain the feeder will remain dry.

Canisters and jars, bottles and plates - everything can become a comfortable bird's “dining room”. Miniature "plates" for blue and sparrows can even be made from ... ice cream sticks, folding them into a neat "well".

Weave a feeding trough from newspaper tubes, paint, varnish. The laborious work will pay off in full: you will have a decorative hanging basket in the garden, and a comfortable “dining room” for birds.

From twigs folded "hut", you can make a great house. Indeed, the main thing for the feeder is that there is a platform where it is convenient to pour grain, and a roof that protects food from rain and snow.

If you are a creative person, you can easily figure out how to make a feeding trough from improvised materials, decorate it so that it looks aesthetically pleasing:

  • a house made of wood or plywood can be painted, varnished;
  • plastic and glass containers - paint, paste over, giving them a beautiful look.

How to treat feathered friends? For birds wintering in our area, it is better to use the seeds of wild herbs. Oats, millet, flaxseed and hempseed can be bought at pet stores, there are sunflower and pumpkin unroasted unsalted seeds in every food store, if you have not prepared them in the summer.

Feathered bread, rye and wheat are not recommended - they contain excess starch, which is not digested by the feathered organism.

Do not forget to add eggshells - a rich source of calcium, useful for birds as a top dressing. Then in winter you will observe the life of birds that fly to feed, and in the spring, perhaps they decide to stay with you for nesting.

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Thanks for the tips. We often forget about birds that need our care. After all, putting a feeder and putting goodies is not at all difficult.