Hot smoked smokehouse - a simple instruction on how to do it yourself. The principle of operation + photos and video!

Such an interesting device as a smoked smokehouse pleases its owners with delicious products that can only be prepared with its help. Few people refuse smoked dishes, and even made in their own smokehouse. Types of the smokehouse are known to all, there are only two different types of them, but it will be a question of the smoke-cured smokehouse.

Why choose hot smoked?

The main argument in favor of the hot method is the unique taste and aroma. If you cook in a cold smoked smokehouse, the taste and smell of smoke will not be so strong. Most often this is why people prefer the hot method.

It is worth comparing the cooking time. If you use cold processing, then the minimum cooking time is 3 days. Sometimes the process takes even a week, or even longer. With hot processing, the food will be ready from 40 to 120 minutes.

Those who care about their health or are on a diet should not use the hot method - with heat treatment, a certain amount of substances accumulate in food that can damage the figure.

Smokehouse working principle

In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you look for a photo of a smoke-cured smokehouse in various designs, it is clear that several basic rules must be taken into account, which are mandatory. For example, it is important to make a container for draining fat, otherwise carcinogens will form, making the product not so useful.

A do-it-yourself smokehouse can be either portable or in the form of a structure that will always be located in one place. It is only important to understand the principle of operation for successful manufacture. Most often, a metal cylinder is used, which is placed or suspended above a fire source (stove, bonfire).

When the smokehouse is placed above the fire, its task is to heat the sawdust, which are at the very bottom. They begin to carbonize and emit smoke, which gives such a flavor to the products.

It is important that the food is at the very top, and under it there is a special container for draining fat, so that it does not get on the coals. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the cylinder so that the air does not penetrate from the outside, but its excess could go outside.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse

For this, any improvised means are used. Medical bixes, trellises, wooden barrels, buckets and pans. If you correctly understand the principle of the smokehouse - production will not be difficult and absolutely any utensils can be used.

In addition to the use of improvised tools, it is possible to use metal in the plates, but you will have to use a tool for cutting and processing. Smokehouse drawings are not difficult to make, despite the fact that there are many different types of smokehouses on the Internet and you can adapt one of the drawings to your sizes.

There are several positive factors that greatly influence the choice of a home-made smokehouse. For example, the design can be absolutely any, have several levels, be portable or stationary.

DIY manufacturing costs are minimal and do not require special investments, so many people prefer to make a smokehouse on their own.

For small business or for rare use, small enough sizes.But for a large load of meat, you will need to use a large, stationary smokehouse, which can be made of several metal sheets or bricks.

You need to pay attention to the fact that a lot of smoke will come from the smokehouse, so you should not place it near the house or places where animals are kept.

Many people ask themselves: "What chips should I take for smoking?" The best choice is wood chips from shrubs and deciduous trees. For example, alder, apple tree, oak, pear, juniper and cherry. These are the most popular types that are often used for smoking and it is quite simple to purchase them in any quantities.

It is important to pay attention to the size of the chips, the largest should be no more than 10 centimeters. Larger wood chips will be harder to carbonize, it will take longer and accordingly increase the cooking time.

Hot mini smokehouse

It is used in conditions where there is no way to make a smokehouse on the street. It is used in the kitchen for smoking small amounts of food. It is small enough to fit on a gas stove with ease and not interfere. You can also make it yourself or buy it in a specialized store.

It was the mini smokehouse that has now become the most popular, because it is convenient to take it with you on hunting and fishing. It does not take up much space, cools quickly. If the mini smokehouse is made with your own hands, then it can be disassembled and assembled with a minimum of effort and time.

Safety precautions

To use a smokehouse in the kitchen, it is important to protect yourself and your loved ones. To do this, the device must have an excess air outlet (valve), but in addition, air must be drawn into the hood or window. Usually a long hose is used that is attached to the valve. And the room itself should be well ventilated.

Compliance with basic safety precautions will allow you to safely engage in smoking at home without fear for yourself and your loved ones. And for even greater security in special stores you can find electric smokehouses.

To increase productivity, forced smoke injection is used. To do this, you need a compressor or fan, which will artificially increase the amount of smoke entering the smokehouse. This will increase the warming of products and the aroma of smoke.


Home smokehouse allows you to produce meat delicacies for every taste, and sometimes for small businesses. In addition to meat products, fruits and vegetables are used for smoking. For example, apricots, eggplant, potatoes, plums, apples and even bananas.

And noble mushroom varieties willingly buy restaurants to create unique dishes. When making it with your own hands - the size of the smokehouse, its shape and appearance depend only on imagination and the availability of tools, as well as desire.

Hot smoked smokehouse photo

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For example, I have two smokehouses of my own design in the country, which for many years satisfy my culinary fantasies. In a smoke-cured smokehouse, I smoke meat, chicken and fish. Smoked chicken in a smokehouse will turn out tastier if it is well marinated.


And we are saving him at home, using the oven as a smokehouse :))) the neighbors are shocked, they even called the concierge a couple of times, we thought it was a fire.