Dahlias: planting and cultivation in the open field. 100 photos of beautiful flowers on the site

Dahlias are one of the closest relatives in the Astrov family. They have a huge range of bright colors and unusual shapes. Everyone can find for themselves a favorite dahlia flower, since there are more than forty species of these magnificent plants.

A variety of colors dahlia, fill your flower bed with a riot of colors, depending on their type. You can choose a particular variety and you will get a theme garden, for example, in yellow or pale pink, or maybe you like saturated red or all the colors of the rainbow? In this case, dahlia flowers will become a real find for you.

Growing dahlia

It is not at all difficult to grow dahlias at home - these are completely undemanding flowers. For planting, seedlings or sprouted bulbs are prepared. Seedlings are planted in the soil at the end of spring, favorable conditions can be created using the greenhouse effect, for example, cover them with a film. Sprouted tubers are planted earlier.

Plants are thermophilic, therefore it is better to choose a sunny place for planting. They can grow in shady areas, but in this case the flowers do not grow so densely, and the buds can be small in size. Ideally, if the landing site will have a light partial shade, in this case, the flowers and flowering period will be longer.

How to care for dahlias

Dahlias must be regularly and abundantly watered, this will provide your flower beds with abundant and magnificent growth. After planting, it is advisable to water the first week every day. Later, how often you need to water them, you can determine depending on weather conditions.

When the earth becomes dry - it is better to water more often, the soil should always be moist, but it is also important not to “flood” the plant, because it is prone to decay. Young plants can be fed with fertilizers, and they will undoubtedly thank you with a dense flowering.

In order for the stems to grow well and not break from the wind, they need to be tied up, for this you can build small pegs to which the plant is loosely attached.

If you prefer perennial species of such flowers, you need to know how to save dahlias in winter. In the cold season, plants are also stored in a cool room. When frost occurs, usually in mid-autumn, the stems are cut off, leaving no more than 20 centimeters from the ground.

The bushes are very carefully excavated and cleaned from the ground. After this, wash and dry the roots. When the plant is completely dry, cut the remaining stems, leaving just a couple of centimeters. Having done this operation, the rhizomes are placed in bags filled with peat or wood sawdust.

It is important not to let them freeze, the temperature should be slightly above zero degrees, it is good if the room is ventilated. For example, you can store on the balcony or basement, but periodically check the plant.

Pruning is an important part of care

Your flowerbed will bloom earlier if you remove the lateral stepsons that grow near the leaves in time. You can leave only the strongest shoots, then the buds will grow large and will bloom longer.

Choosing a dahlia variety with a high trunk, you additionally need to cut the lower leaves so that air circulates throughout the plant. Undersized species do not need to be trimmed and shaped. Flowers that begin to fade also need to be cut so that they do not take a lot of power from the plant.

Versatility of colors

Few flowers boast such a variety of varieties and species like dahlias. Officially accrued over forty species of dahlias.Note some of the popular varieties:

  • simple. Usually accrue one row of petals from pink to orange and reddish hues.
  • anemone-shaped - can have one or more rows of petals, tubular;
  • collar, bear this name thanks to the petals, similar to small cream-colored collars;
  • peony dahlias.

The name itself makes it clear that the form resembles peony flowers, pink tones;

  • decorative types of these flowers have terry inflorescences. They can be as large as small;
  • spherical - already have a sharper rounded shape with many flattened branches;
  • pompom dahlias resemble the previous view. The edges of the petals are rounded;
  • Cactus and semi -actos dahlias acquire curled, sharp tips. Moreover, the color spectrum here is much wider;
  • nymphaeum - have a delicate pink or red color, a bit like lilies.

A more detailed look at external differences will help a large number of photo dahlias.

The benefits of flowers

Dahlias are appreciated not only for their unusual beauty, but also for their medicinal abilities. Nature has endowed them with substances that can help rid the body of toxins and cholesterol.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system and pancreas, it is useful to use decoctions of small buds of these flowers. Note that not only dahlia buds are used for medicinal purposes. Tincture of leaves and rhizomes will be a good prevention against diabetes.

In addition to its delicate aroma and medical use, a bright flower can delight the beautiful sex and as a cosmetic tool. A mixture of powder from buds with honey and an egg will give your hair shine and strength.

The face will shine with health if fresh leaves are applied to problem areas of the skin. The same method will help with cuts, and also relieve acne.

Edible dahlias

Surprisingly, dahlias are also used in cooking. Leaves, as fresh as dry, can be added to salads or small snacks. If you are on a diet, the good news is that there are virtually no calories in the flowers, but that will not ruin their taste.

Even the ancient Mayans noted for themselves the roots of this plant. From tubers, a wonderful drink is obtained, for example, if you add more honey. The taste of fried root vegetables is somewhat reminiscent of potatoes or carrots.

If such an experiment is unusual for you, the dahlia leaves will undoubtedly appeal to horned pets or, for example, rabbits will gnaw at them with pleasure.

Small, large, low or high dahlias can undoubtedly be called the main decoration of the site. Following simple recommendations, your garden will delight you and your friends with many colors.

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