Garage in a private house: the pros and cons (120 photos). Effective home planning options with a garage

It is impossible to imagine a modern country house without a good garage. If previously a place was planned for one car, now they are trying to build with the expectation of at least two vehicles. The necessary dimensions of the garage in a private house are designed taking into account the long term. Prudent owners take into account places for guests' cars.

The most optimal solution

Not so long ago it was decided to build a garage separately from the house. This was mainly done due to environmental safety. Modern technology allows you to build a garage in the design of residential premises, observing all environmental requirements.

At the planning stage of a private house with a garage, it is necessary to determine the exact location, which will provide the maximum degree of convenience. A parking lot can be planned directly under the house, but then a significant part of the ground floor space will be occupied.

It is possible to use a basement or semi-basement version. In this case, the garage is located below ground level and will have to do an additional drainage. Rain water should not fall into the lower rooms.

Side extension

If you do not want to give the space of the first floor to a parking lot for a car, and you cannot dig a pit of a sufficient size, that is, an option for a side extension. Such a garage can be placed on either side of the house and attached to its side. There will be only one common wall with the living area.

Such a construction will help expand the area of ​​the house. From above it is convenient to place a summer veranda or a balcony. There are a lot of similar solutions, and having studied the photo of garages in a private house you can find the most optimal solution for yourself.

Architectural features

Modern private buildings require high-quality architectural ideas, so the design of a private house with a garage must be worked out with great care. Combining two types of different buildings in one building is not so simple.

The garage should organically fit into the architecture of your home and not become a “false tooth” in an elegant design solution. Ideal is the option when your house is not too striking and does not stand out from the general style of the surrounding buildings.

Initial stage of construction

The most correct thing is to trust specialists. The whole range of works is best ordered from one contractor. Be sure to plan the construction of all additional outbuildings before starting work. When designing, it is important to consider what will be the entrance to the house and the entrance to the garage. A lot of things will depend on the convenient location of the entrance.

The gates should not close the carriageway, and in winter you should not start the working day with clearing the driveway for the car. All this must be taken into account in advance.

If you plan to supply additional electronic equipment and automation, inform the builders in advance. Some types of garage equipment require additional design work.

What you need to pay special attention to

In our life, everything should be as convenient and comfortable as possible, and any construction should start with thinking over all the details. The entrance to the garage is advisable only from the living quarters.In this case, you will additionally protect yourself from intruders.

It will not be superfluous to put video surveillance with the ability to control in real time. Over a morning cup of coffee you can see the condition of the adjacent road. This is especially important in winter when there is a lot of snow.

If you do not plan to live outside the city permanently, then you can provide a separate entrance to the garage. It is more expedient to make it in the side load-bearing wall, and not in the garage door, as is customary in most cases.

Size always matters

The minimum parking space for one car is approximately four by six meters. Smaller space will make it difficult to fully open the car doors and will not allow you to place additional garage equipment and devices. For two or more cars, the size must be increased accordingly.

Once I happened to see a garage box measuring four and a half by seven meters, in which four Soviet cars fit. To park all this technique was akin to a circus trick. But in Soviet times they didn’t do that. Now this is not particularly necessary and it is possible to plan the necessary space in advance, taking into account all possible prospects.

Wall decoration

It is most convenient to plaster the walls for painting. The color of the walls can be changed at any time, this will create the illusion of novelty. As in residential premises, interiors of utility rooms are customary to change. If your budget allows, trim the walls with at least two-thirds of the floor with light tiled tiles. It is quite simple to clean it from pollution.

The color of the walls must be executed in bright colors. It is advisable to cover the floor with a special coating used in such rooms.

Entry must be convenient

Convenient access to the house is without exaggeration key, especially if your home is close to the roadway.

Check in the garage should not impede the movement of vehicles. The most convenient option is automatic garage doors that open remotely.

How to best arrange entry

The type of gate needs to be given increased attention. The most common are swing. They open outwards and require extra space when opening. When choosing a place for home, this must be taken into account.

Equally important is the height of the gate for a garage in a private house. The space between the roof of the entering car and the upper part of the garage opening should be with a margin in case of unforeseen situations.

For example, you did not expect to drive into the garage with a trunk, but you forgot to remove it. In this case, most likely you will damage the car at the entrance.

Types of Garage Doors

Swing. The traditional option. These are rather bulky structures that can be supplemented with an automatic opening device. In this case, even a fragile woman can open a massive gate;

Sectional. The most acceptable solution. The gates consist of separate sections that rise to the top of the garage. They take up little space when opened. As a rule, such gates are made from special sandwich panels. The design is very light and does not require a powerful electric motor to open;

Lifting and swiveling. They consist of one continuous section and completely block the entrance to the garage.Such gates occupy a certain part of the garage space. This must be considered when parking the car. It must not be placed too close to the gate.

An undeniable advantage is the relative ease of installation. In this design, an additional entrance to the garage can be provided. Just the case when you need to enter without fully opening the gate;

Roll. The cheapest and most reliable option. Several sections having a flexible connection are wound onto a drum located at the top of the garage. This option is most often equipped with a remote control device. Entrance will be open exactly at the moment when you approach the house.

Optional equipment

A modern garage can no longer do without a standard set of equipment for everyday car maintenance. Now it is not only a parking place. Here you can place a home workshop. It's always nice to do something with your own hands.

Even if you are not a professional car mechanic, it will be useful to build a viewing hole or put a lift. Then a trip to the service for a simple oil change procedure will not take all day, and car maintenance on your own will be only a joy.

Some useful tips

It must be borne in mind that the construction of a garage in a private house requires certain costs and the timely development of all details. Building with a good garage will cost much more. But the benefits of such a solution, of course, you will appreciate very soon. Alterations after construction is not the best option.

Do not put off for later questions related to additional garage equipment. It is very important to determine in advance the most optimal variant of entry and the type of garage door. If the size of the plot allows, plan a couple more places for guests' cars on the lawn near the house.

Photo of a garage in a private house


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