Figures for the garden: the best decorative ornaments from leading designers (80 photos)

The garden is a place not only for beds, but also for relaxation. A corner for a comfortable pastime should be a convenient and beautiful place. Today, there are many ways to make a unique recreation area from your land plot.

The simplest and at the same time effective are special decorative figures. The main thing is not to get confused when choosing them.

Important accents

In specialized stores, the assortment of garden decorations is very large. In the photo of garden figures, only part of the variety is presented.

The harmonious combination of the territory with country interior compositions depends on their style and purpose.

By appointment, decorative elements for the garden can be divided into several types:

  • For the original placement of flower pots. These are various options of supports, cache-pots of floor or wall type.
  • To decorate an artificial pond.
  • For the design of beds and flower beds.
  • For lighting certain areas of the land.

If we proceed from the style orientation, then the characters play a role here. So, in a country-style garden, the figures of the gnomes and elves look good. Decorative lions and dragons are used to decorate the Chinese garden. The country-style cottage is perfectly complemented by figures of people and animals, such as a cow, ducks or piglets.

It is important to guess with the colors of the scenery. On a flower bed with bright colors, black, gray or white figures look advantageous. On a tiled path or wooden platform, it is better to put bright products of an unusual shape.

How to arrange

Figures for the garden should be consistent with the overall design of the site. There are some rules that will help to create a competent landscape interior.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the style of the site. For example, in the territory built in a rural theme, plastic decor elements will be absolutely inappropriate.

The second point is the number of figures in the garden. The principle is important here: “quality conquers quantity”. Better to have a pair of well-made products than a lot of little things that spoil the integrity of the design.

Choosing the right place is the third condition for a successful arrangement of garden decorations. As a rehearsal, you can craft and rearrange simple cardboard layouts to compare the impressions of the different locations of decorative elements.

It is best to put low figures on the lawn, and it is advisable to place large decorative figurines in tall grass or in the bush.

The fourth condition is compliance with the general composition. Lonely arranged garden decorations can only spoil the view of the site. Usually they make artificial ponds, flower arches and other additional elements.

Homemade Figures

In the presence of free time and a desire to be distinguished by originality, there are lots of ideas on how to make figures for the garden with your own hands. Homemade gnomes, birds and animals are a great opportunity to show imagination and save on the design of your site.

Materials for the production of decorative garden elements can be gypsum, plastic bottles, broken dishes, polyurethane foam and other improvised raw materials.

Choosing the basis for crafts, you need to consider the main characteristics of each material. They differ in the processing method, resistance to weather conditions, shelf life and the need for additional processing during their operation.

According to statistics, the most resistant in all respects are plastic products or rubber tires.

Creativity from plastic and rubber

Plastic bottles are the most popular raw materials for making decorative figures. Its advantages are low cost, wear resistance and ease of processing. Plastic figures for the garden are not afraid of the sun, rain and low temperatures.

To make a palm tree you will need several bottles of brown and green. Cut dark elements inserted into each other perfectly imitate a tree trunk, and green details will create a magnificent crown. Such a picturesque palm tree looks very impressive and original.

Cute piglets can be made from large bottles. To do this, completely paint them in a soft pink color. Having laid down, a patch is drawn on the lid, and eyes are above it. For the ears, make slots and insert triangular blanks from other plastic bottles into them. Such piglets can be a great alternative to a flower pot. To do this, cut out the top of the bottle and fill it with soil.

Old tires are suitable for creating small flower beds or making figures in the form of a goose, elephant, crocodile. The results of fantasy in this case are endless.

How to make gypsum figurines?

The most difficult to perform are gypsum figurines for the garden. Such decorations look harmoniously on the territory, made in any style, but all the advantages overshadow their main shortcomings - fragility and fragility.

To create such figurines, you need to choose building (you can sculpt) gypsum or alabaster. To give the material strength, experienced craftsmen add PVA glue or bustilate to it.

The solution is very simple to prepare: the gypsum is mixed with water and glue is added. The only comment is that you need to work with small portions, because it quickly hardens.

Small items such as flowers, leaflets, bugs are cast in special molds. To create a large gypsum figurine, you first need to make a wire frame filled with plastic bottles with stones.

The prepared solution must be applied to the prepared base. Gradually, it begins to thicken and whiten. Some craftsmen use a medical plaster bandage to create figurines. Drying of the product should take place in a dark and dry place and take at least 4-5 days.

Before painting, you can give some details a different texture with an awl or a hard brush. To protect against moisture, the base of the figure after drying needs to be covered with paraffin or drying oil several times.

The most entertaining and creative moment of creating figures from plaster is their coloring. It is better to use oil or alkyd paints. The final stage is waxing the product. To decorate gypsum figures use pebbles, shells, broken glass and other materials.

Concrete figures

Much stronger, but harder to make concrete figures. This material, with the wrong consistency, spreads and does not dry well.

But the advantages of concrete products in their durability, resistance to moisture and frost, ease of painting.Even non-painted gray figures made of concrete look very stylish and original.

Foam Decorations

Crafts from polyurethane foam become popular among gardeners. From a tube, it can be applied directly to the prepared base, or cut from a large piece of material. Such products are lightweight, low cost and easy to implement.

The minus of the figures from the foam is that under the influence of sunlight they become loose and change color. Experienced craftsmen advise to apply plaster or plaster bandage on top of the foam. Such figures are painted with any construction paints.

Wood decor

Products made of natural material look organically in any area. As a basis, you can use growing trees or hemp.

From the remains of a large tree, you can make an artificial reservoir. Old branches, boards and logs can be an excellent material for the manufacture of decorative wells and huts.

Papier mache

The most affordable way to create garden decorations is papier-mâché. Any scraps of paper are suitable for the basics: old newspaper, toilet paper, wallpaper.

The difficulty of execution is that drying of each layer is required. Therefore, the production of one character may take more than one week. Such products turn out to be solid, but they are afraid of frost and moisture.


The decorations installed on the site require some attention. Shop figurines for the garden, or made by yourself, under the influence of the sun, rain, frost and wind lose their attractiveness. The accumulating dust on papier-mâché products and gypsum figures must be regularly wiped with a soft cloth.

Foam and plastic products can be refreshed with a water spray. Concrete and wooden figures are easy to wash with a hose.

Regularly, maybe even several times a season, garden decorations need to be tinted. So, the decoration of the site for a long time will delight their owners and ennoble the landscape interior.

Photo figures for the garden

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Diluting the interior with such figures, the garden becomes beautiful and magical. And how pleasing the eyes, especially for children will be interesting. Take note!


I saw a lot of such figures in Mentors 38 in my garden to become more beautiful neighbors go to look like a museum.