Two-story house - 130 photos of exclusive design projects of private houses made using modern technologies

A two-story house is the easiest way to get the most living space on a small piece of land. Modern projects of two-story houses are designed for multi-level placement of rooms in private houses. Each level can occupy half a floor. This reduces the length of the stairs and more efficiently arrange the premises in the space of the house.

Such projects are more complicated in execution, but there is an undeniable advantage and advantages for living. There is no need to overcome long stairways to get to the bedroom or study. This is extremely convenient if there are small children in the house.

Start of construction of a two-story house

If you decide to build such a house, then you need to start with the development of the project. Then decide what to build a house from. After looking at the contractor’s website for a photo of a two-story house, you can choose an option that meets the needs of the whole family.

An individual project is also possible, which will take into account all your architectural wishes. A modern multi-level version of a two-story house is the most fashionable architectural solution for a country house today.

Favorite attic house

The most common is a two-story house with an attic under a sloping roof. The first floor is reserved for the living room, kitchen and auxiliary rooms. The second is a residential area. And your favorite attic can become an office, a games room for children, a billiard room or a place to receive guests.

The design of a sloping roof does not always look elegant, but it allows you to make a mansard room with a large area. With other roof designs, a more elegant architectural solution can be achieved, but significantly lost in the usable area.

House with a veranda

A two-story house with a veranda looks very elegant, which can be conveniently placed both on the ground floor level and above a garage attached to the side of the house. In this case, we do not use the space of the house for the garage building.

It is more expedient to build a summer recreation area, which is almost never used in the cold season, outside the main residential area. This is one of the most optimal solutions when you need to save on construction.

The veranda and the garage do not require the construction of walls with good thermal insulation, which means construction in this case will be cheaper.

Garage in a modern house is essential

You can give a part of the first floor under the garage, or lower it below the zero level of construction. Any architectural solution of a two-story house with a garage should take into account all the specific features of this room. It must be reliably isolated from the living area.

When choosing a place to build a house with a garage, you need to consider a convenient entrance and entrance to the garage.

Reliable foundation

When constructing a multi-level suburban residential building, special attention should be paid to the foundation. The most reliable, but not the cheapest - a monolithic foundation for the entire structure, including a veranda and a garage. On this basis, the house will stand idle for hundreds of years.

It is quite possible to build a strip foundation under a two-story house with an attic and a garage. On soils where groundwater is built quite high on piles. Modern technologies make it possible to erect even heavy brick houses on stilts.

Architectural features

The material from which you decided to build a house is of key importance. Brick or concrete buildings will last longer than lightweight panel structures. Structures from timber and logs look most elegant, here you can not worry about the environment.

A house made of timber or logs is one of the best design solutions. The layout options are almost limitless, and the interior and exterior can be left natural. Properly processed wood does not require additional decorative finishes.

Brick construction will entail additional costs due to design features that require the use of manual labor in large volumes. A reliable foundation is needed here, as well as an internal, and, sometimes, external finish.

An important moment is the insulation of the house from stone. Such a building needs a more powerful heating and air conditioning system than a wooden house.


Modern technologies allow the use of various heating schemes for a two-story house. The most common is autonomous, when the energy source for heating is located directly in the house.

As a rule, this is a heating boiler operating on various energy sources:

  • natural gas;
  • electricity;
  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • diesel fuel or fuel oil.

The best option when using equipment that runs on various types of fuel. The transition from one type of fuel to another is not difficult. It uses what is currently available.

If a gas main passes near your home, connect to it. In this case, you will receive the cheapest source of heat for your home.

In a two-story country house, it is possible to use both full and partial heating of the house. Partial heating is needed if you do not plan to live there permanently. In the non-residential area, only minimal heating can be used to maintain positive temperature.

You should not build a powerful heating system in the attic or on, even if closed, the veranda. Such heating will require additional heating system capacities, which, of course, will increase the cost of maintaining the house.


If near your home there is no acceptable option for providing electricity, it is quite possible to make such a system autonomous. An electric alternator of 25-50 kilowatts will provide all the electricity needs with a margin.

It is best to use a diesel generator. It is more reliable and consumes fewer cheaper fuel than gasoline.

A gasoline generator is less reliable in operation, requires frequent maintenance and consumes expensive fuel. Such generators are usually used for temporary operation as a backup power supply system.

Water supply

An artesian well is a perfectly acceptable way to provide water for a home. In almost any area, you can drill a well that will provide the necessary volumes of water to meet all domestic needs.

If you use special cleaning systems, then the water can be made drinking. A traditional well near the house will also be able to solve all problems with water supply, if it is built correctly and accumulates a sufficient amount of water.


One of the most difficult issues of country life. Nowadays, there are quite reliable and inexpensive solutions to this problem. If the installation of sanitary equipment in the house is carried out according to standard schemes, then the disposal of biological waste requires, at times, non-standard solutions. Of course, the sewage system is likely to be autonomous.

Waste treatment tanks will occupy a certain space underground. The work will be greatly complicated if the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth.

At the initial stage of planning a two-story house, it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of household waste disposal. You may have to seek additional advice from contractors who solve the most complex problems in this area of ​​suburban construction.

During the construction of any suburban building, it is certainly better to turn to professionals with a reliable reputation. The ideal option is to solve the whole range of tasks with one contractor. Additional specialists should be attracted only in case of extremely complex problems requiring special solutions.

Photo of two-story houses

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