Houses in a modern style: TOP-150 photos of the best projects of private houses decorated in the mind!

The external design of the facade of a suburban private house is its calling card, which judges not only wealth and stylistic preferences, but also the social situation of the owners, their hobbies and rhythm of life. Modern design styles for the home enable property owners to create unique compositions using various building materials and finishes. However, these areas also entail a number of restrictions in the facade decoration.

Modern trends combine several principles of design, borrowed from other styles, such as modern, minimalism and hi-tech.

Bright characteristic features of modern areas are:

  • geometricity, traced in simple forms and clear lines;
  • large areas of space as much as enough money of the owners and the territory;
  • panoramic window gaps - large areas of wall surfaces covered with glass make it possible to fill the interior of the room with light, making the rooms seem even more spacious;
  • minimal facade decoration, which is limited only by useful and functional elements;
  • the use of eco-friendly natural finishing materials or high-quality analogues that mimic natural surfaces;
  • combining different materials to make the finish look more interesting and unique.

Facade decoration for a contemporary style

For the decoration of a private house in a modern style, completely different materials and techniques can be used. For every homeowner, the current market offers a variety of facade coatings with a suitable price and performance.

There are the following methods for decorating facades:

  • With a layer of insulation.
  • Facing with brick or stone elements (mainly artificial material).
  • Panel facade decoration.

Paying attention to the photo of the house in a modern style, it becomes clear that each method has its own technological features and aesthetic standards.

Facade decoration options

A wet facade option created by applying different types of plaster. This technology allows you to create an additional facade layer of insulation. The principle of layering works here: first, a layer of thermal insulation is attached, a reinforced mesh on top, then a layer of plaster.

Plaster material is represented today by mineral mixtures of environmentally friendly components, polymer compositions with high stable performance and silicate material, which is one of the most advanced protective agents.

Finishing with ventilation system. The principle is that between the wall and the facing material there remains an air gap in which air circulates. The advantage of this method is its durability and high protection against external natural influences.

But, along with new modern technologies, the cladding of wall surfaces of the facade with natural wood or stone elements, despite its high cost, remains very popular.

The color palette of our time

Modern trends call for using a bright tint palette with gray inclusions and a traditional black and white combination in the design of private buildings.Bright bold colors allow focusing on the decoration of the roof or one wall surface.

Purely snow-white house buildings against the background of a bright blue sky and a rich green palette of the landscape look very solemn and airy.

Modern classicism

For a house in the style of modern classics, simple graceful forms are characteristic. The modern construction concept boils down to a minimalist exterior with rich accents.

House space should not be cluttered with a large number of objects. Against the background of the simplicity of the interior decoration stucco or columns will effectively look.

The modern design concept requires the exterior composition to be fully and appropriately merged with the environment. That is, the external and internal interiors must be in harmony with the landscape environment.

Modern stylization of country estates

Modern Art Nouveau houses embody the best principles of 19th century architectural work. The uniqueness of this direction lies in the ability to combine aesthetic qualities with functionality.

Suburban construction in the modern style does not limit the possibilities and desires of the owners. Houses can be created from natural timber. More modern buildings are made from a combination of metal and concrete, which are not masked in any way, giving the building an original appearance.

The distinctive elements of the style are huge panoramic windows and are used in the decoration of both exterior and interior designs, floral motifs. Also, interior modernist rooms are able to combine unusual shapes, textures and sizes.

Minimalistic approach in private construction

At first glance, there is nothing simpler than decorating a house in a minimalist style. However, abandoning the variety of colors and decorative techniques, it is not so simple to create a truly original, high-quality house, which will be distinguished by the simplicity of outlines and the practicality of geometric proportions.

The main feature of minimalism is the emphasis on large window openings, under which most of the wall planes are allocated. Another quality that this trend is famous for is the absolute need to hide design features and functional details from the environment.

The interior space in the spirit of minimalism has monochrome colors and simplicity of decor. This is necessary so that nothing distracts homeowners from admiring the scenery through huge panoramic windows.

French country provence

Sweet Provence is saturated with its special characteristic features, thanks to which this trend stands out among others. For a house in the style of modern Provence, a gently sloping roof is characteristic. The first level of the Provencal mansion, as a rule, is built of stone elements, the second floor is built of wood with high quality indicators.

The main character, both the internal interior composition and the exterior view, is a fireplace. It is thanks to the fireplace that a warm cozy atmosphere is created in the Provence room, which can be judged by the catalog of photos of the interiors inside the house.

Required stylistic attributes are:

  • natural materials for construction and decoration;
  • muted natural tones in the design;
  • naturalness and simplicity.

Photo of houses in a modern style

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