Crocuses (90 photos of flowers) - step-by-step instructions for planting, care and growing at home

The flowering of tender, vibrant and life-affirming crocuses is an impressive and very beautiful sight in the spring garden. They are the very first to mark the arrival of spring and delight gardeners with their abundant flowering.

What you need to know about crocuses

Crocus (middle name "saffron") is a low bulbous flower that belongs to the large Iris family. Crocus bushes are small and, depending on the variety, reach a height of up to 12-13 cm. Crocuses are loved because they are one of the most attractive and delicate primroses and do not stop blooming, even if the last March snow covers them.

Not all lovers of this flower are informed that there are many saffron varieties that bloom in autumn, when most garden flowers are already losing their attractiveness, and the garden is waiting for winter to approach.

If you pay attention to the photo of the autumn flowers of crocuses, it will become obvious that they are perfectly combined with evergreen ground cover plants. Such autumn flowerbeds will become a symbol of the continuation of summer in every garden.

Crocuses are flowers that grow on open soil, but, like other bulbous flowers, they can be grown for distillation to get a delicate flowering bush on your windowsill in the winter season.

Crocus inflorescences open in the daytime, and at night turn into small closed, reminiscent of tulips, buds. Inflorescences, depending on the variety, are yellow, blue, purple or white. Two-color inflorescences look very attractive, the petals of which consist of purple and white stripes.

The bulbs of young crocuses have a rounded appearance, the older bulbs are flattened and reach a diameter of 3 cm. When dry, the bulbs are covered with scales. It is said that saffron bulbs are edible. But, of course, no one eats them.

But the most valuable and expensive part of the inflorescence is its center, the so-called stigma with stamens. This part of the flower is a valuable medicine, natural dye and well-known fragrant seasoning.

How to create favorable conditions for growing crocuses

To enjoy the view of spring healthy and beautiful primroses, you should choose a good planting material and a sunny place to grow.

It is also necessary to decide which crocuses are worth choosing - blooming in early spring or autumn plants. From this decision will depend on the time of planting the bulbs, the period of digging them from the ground, as well as the site for their cultivation.

Regardless of whether the crocuses bloom in spring or autumn, the bulbs should be whole, without spots rotting, with light brown dry scales. They protect small bulbs from mechanical damage during planting. The bottom of the bulb should also be holistic, clean and not have sprouted roots.

One adult saffron bulb can produce from 1 to 4 inflorescences. Also, the onion produces from 2 to 5 children per season. Young children are very small, such a bulb can give a full flower only after 2 or 3 years, when it grows up.

Equally important for a favorable flower growing is the choice of a sunny and clean area for planting. It should not stagnate spring melt water, otherwise the onions planted in the fall will begin to hurt, rot and eventually die.

For spring varieties, small hills, well lit by the warm sun, are best suited.And although in the spring, when the trees are not yet covered with leaves and there is no shadow, crocuses will feel great almost everywhere. But you should not choose places for planting under the fence, near the walls of the house or close to tree trunks.

For autumn crocus varieties, good lighting is a must and the main condition for good growth and flowering.

Saffron prefers light, breathable soil. When planting bulbs in the ground, you can add a little wood ash, humus or peat. For necessary drainage, it is recommended to mix part of river sand or fine gravel into the soil. During the first planting, the topsoil can be mixed with chopped straw.

Planting crocus flowers

Spring plants should be planted in late September or early October, depending on weather conditions. Bulbs sit in well-moistened ground, the depth of planting should correspond to 3 diameters of the planting bulb. A deeper planting interferes with the vegetative propagation of the plant, but helps to form large bulbs.

The length between the planting bulbs is recommended to be kept within 7-10 cm. Do not plant the bulbs too close - the plant may stay in one place for 4-5 years. During this time, the crocus bulb is overgrown with many children who will not let the plant eat and grow normally, and the bed with flowers turns into a thick carpet. Such density will destroy little children. After 5 years, crocuses should be dug up and planted in the same bed.

Saffron, which blooms in autumn, should be planted no earlier than mid-June. Bulbs planted in autumn, before wintering, it is better to cover with fallen leaves, bulbs of autumn crocuses do not need shelter. If the summer is dry before flowering, then do not forget about watering the planted bulbs.

Rules for growing crocuses for distillation

For distillation, it is recommended to use Dutch planting material. Growing crocus flowers at home is a very exciting activity, for this you should know a few simple rules. Approximately 90 days before the desired flowering time, it is necessary to prepare wide shallow containers with nutritious light soil.

Selected bulbs should be planted in plates so that they do not touch each other and with the walls of the container. Next, take out the pots in a cool room with a temperature of about 5-9 degrees Celsius. It can be a cellar, a cellar or a glazed balcony.

In 2-2.5 months, the plant will take root and begin to produce sprouts. When the sprouts reach 4-5 cm in height, containers with plants must be brought into a room with a temperature of 12-15 degrees of heat. Potted soil should be moderately moist. Under favorable conditions, a beautiful inflorescence will last for 2 weeks.

After the flower loses its attractive appearance, it is still recommended to moisten the earth anyway until the green leaves of the plant are completely dry. Then you need to pull the onions from the ground, dry them and leave them in a dark place for storage. In autumn, it is better to plant them in open ground - repeated distillation will make the plant weak and small.

How a flower propagates

Crocus is propagated by children and seeds. The seed method of reproduction at home is rarely used - it is very laborious and lengthy. Much faster and easier plant propagates by children.

After 5-6 years of continuous presence of crocuses in one meadow, they should be dug from the ground, cleaned of dry leaves and dried. In the process, the children themselves will separate from the mother's bulb. Then, during planting, it is advisable to plant bulbs in their size - for children it is better to find a separate place.

Outdoor crocus care

Do not be afraid to grow crocuses in the open ground. Planting and caring for crocuses is not difficult or very time consuming. They practically do not need special watering, plants lack moisture from snow, which impregnates the soil in spring.

During the flowering, dormant and propagation season, saffron bulbs need to be fed. For the first time, mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil in the early spring, before the appearance of saffron sprouts. During the period of active growth and the appearance of buds, one more dressing should be carried out, and the third should be carried out during flowering.

Crocus flowers in spring - this is a real holiday! The garden is still wet and cold, lumps of dirty snow lie on the ground, and a small bold plant is already starting to produce its sprouts. And when the sun is already warming really warm, there are more and more colors.

Glade of crocuses gives others the aroma of purity and freshness, and is also a symbol of the awakening of nature.

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