DIY sauna from a bar - 120 real photos of ready-made solutions. Step-by-step instruction for beginners

In the modern world, at a fairly fast pace of life, it is very difficult to relax. But this is simply necessary for the body.

Health is the most important thing in the life of every person and it is necessary to take care of it very carefully. In this difficult task, a bathhouse will help a modern person. It has the most positive effect on well-being. In addition, the bath relaxes the body and improves blood flow.

Self-construction of a bath from a bar

To build a bathhouse from a bar with your own hands is not the easiest thing. But nothing is impossible for a person who has a desire. In this matter, it is important to draw up a detailed work plan, an accurate diagram and choose durable building material.

For the construction of the bath, a strip foundation is most suitable. First you need to make a trench. Its perimeter should be slightly larger than the future building. Next, you need to lay out a sand and gravel cushion and a reinforcing mesh. In conclusion, you should install the formwork and pour concrete.

The height of the foundation should be calculated depending on the degree of freezing of the soil. The optimal size is 0.7-1 m. The foundation freezes within 4 weeks. After the foundation has completely hardened, it is necessary to cover it with waterproofing material.

It is necessary to put on the surface of the base, first bitumen, and then roofing material. The operation is done twice. It is important to wait for the bitumen to harden.

For laying the first crown it is necessary to use wooden slats with a thickness of 150 mm. Before putting them on the foundation, it is necessary to treat the slats with an antiseptic. The distance between them should be at least 300 mm. Reiki is needed to prevent the process of decay. The first crown is laid on them.

During the construction of the walls it is very important to use the level. The first crown must be covered with insulating material. The second crown must be fixed with wooden pins.

Only after complete shrinkage of the wood can you start building the roof. This is one of the most difficult stages in construction. First you need to put the building beams. Next, attach the building legs to them. If the design of the bath includes a roof made of sheet material, then a frame is needed.

It is worth thinking about protecting the roof from external factors. In this case, galvanized iron will help. In conclusion, it is necessary to sew up the fronts of the roof. This can be done using siding or a wooden board.

Here are the main stages of building a standard bath.

Many, wondering how to make a bath, consider that for this purpose it is necessary to call a team of builders. But in fact, even for a person without experience, building a bath will not be difficult, and he can cope with the construction on his own.

If it is difficult for a novice builder to imagine what the future construction should look like, then a photo of a bath from a bar can be found on numerous sites or in magazines, the main theme of which is to conduct construction work. It is also necessary to draw up a plan and drawing.

Is glued beam eco-friendly?

The lamels are completely made of wood and it is impossible to doubt their environmental friendliness. But the glue that is used in the construction of a glued beam bath is quite toxic. From an environmental point of view, this building material is not recommended for use. Although there are adhesive compounds that are considered less harmful. These include EPI.

But still, most manufacturers prefer to use a polyurethane composition, which is famous for its harmful substances. And they use this adhesive more often, because it is one of the cheapest.

Thus, we can conclude that building a bath from this material is not a good solution. This is due to the fact that the walls in such a structure will not breathe. There is also the possibility of poisoning with harmful substances that glue releases during heating.

Profiled beam, as a material for the construction of the bath

Profiled timber is considered one of the most environmentally friendly building materials. It began to be used in construction more than 15 years ago, this technology came to Russia from the Finns.

A bath from a profiled beam has both its pros and cons. The positive aspects include ease of assembly. Indeed, using this technology, you can assemble a bathhouse, like a children's designer.

Also in such a bathhouse good thermal insulation. This is due to lock joints. Another plus is the regular geometric shape.

The disadvantages of this design include natural humidity. Cracking of the walls and distortion of the structure is possible.

It is better to take building material in the winter, as it has humidity, which is similar to chamber drying.

Additional annexes to the bath

Very often, especially in the hot summer period, I want to get out of the steam room and plunge into the atmosphere of peace and comfort, in the fresh air. In order to prevent bad weather from spoiling the rest, it is recommended to erect a terrace.

A bathhouse with a terrace is a dream of many people, which can easily be realized by building a terrace between the bathhouse and a residential building. The advantage of this idea is that you don’t have to look for a place to cook or wait for the rain to end.

But it is worth considering that it would be better to build an extension so that it abuts against a blank wall of the house. This is necessary so that smoke from the chimney does not fall into the windows of the home.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is very important, before you start building a bath, to calculate the budget. If a person is not sure that he will have enough money to complete the construction, then it is better not to take on this matter. On the other hand, a compromise can be found. It lies in the fact that there are budget options for baths.

To choose a structure that would suit all parameters, you need to familiarize yourself with many options.

Photos of finished baths can be found on the Internet or in reference books and magazines on construction. If you decide to build your own bath for the first time, it is recommended to choose the option as simple as possible. Do not swipe at buildings with intricate drawings. Not everyone can immediately understand all the subtleties.

Own bathhouse is a dream of many people, but not everyone can decide on its construction. The bathhouse brings comfort and harmony to a person’s life. It allows you to temporarily let go of all important matters and take care of your health.

People who lived several centuries ago considered the bath a cure for all diseases. It is proved that the bathing effect has a very positive effect on human immunity.

Photo baths from timber

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The beam in the photo is thin, I remember I built the tower from a thicker one. In general, the bathhouse was excellent on the site, even in severe frost you can melt it properly and steam